My Crystal Grid For All Who's Struggling

I did end up making a crystal grid post.

If you’re confused about all that, just set your intention (love, luck, healing,etc) on a piece of paper and set it underneath the grid, near the center.
Then, place your most meaningful crystal in the center and surround it by other meaningful crystals and you have to activate it.
You can do that by taking your wand, index finger or a selenite wand or clear quartz point and hold it over the center stone and believe your intentions are already happening. Feel it. (I close my eyes here.)
Then with the wand go clockwise in three circles sending the energy out and counter clockwise to send it in.
Taadaa, there you have a crystal grid.
By the way, you don’t need any fancy grid either, I began doing mine with only crystals. In any shape. Circle, square, etc.