My observation

This question seems weird but I need answers
My candle spell works most times when am angry


Hmm, it might be because your anger is producing a lot of energy, therefore producing results? :thinking:
What kind of candle spell was it and what was your goal/intention?


The strength of your emotions can affect your spells. Perhaps you should do some meditation about focusing. Also, perhaps you can learn to channel positive energy instead of negative.


As Kasandra said, sometimes our emotions can have a lot of energy behind them, especially strong emotions like anger. It’s possible that the energy from your emotions is fueling your spells!


Ha! I believe that because when I am really mad, my cell phone cuts off. It has been doing this for years, different carriers, locations.

It is kind of a blessing, really, because I get to cool off. But I think we really do emit some kind of energy


Not to sound redundant, but I’m in agreement here that your energy is charged by your emotions & stronger at that time, so that’s what is being transmitted to your spells.

I know when energy wants to leave… I just have to work on releasing it, but it feels like it has to be a physical something with my hands to get rid of it. Hard to explain but that’s where my energy goes when you “breathe out negativity, or tension” or stress-related types of things, especially if it’s something I need to release that’s built up. So I have honestly been more focused more on meditation than spells because it just feels like… a lot of energy that needs somewhere to go & I’d hate to accidentally send that type of energy unintentionally to something or someone… I actually think I am going to build up the energy in my hands & then go work in my yard or garden with the seeds & weeds & soil to transmit it back to the earth instead of something or someone that it can adversely affect. It’s a lot of mixed energy. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

Sorry for rambling… I am also in agreement with @mary25 & got distracted & started rambling :joy:


I did a candle spell using the white and blue candle for healing a friend and I was angry because I didn’t know my friend would be sick just realizing I was a witch


That’s fine​:hugs::hugs::hugs:


I think am a bit relaxed knowing from u all that is not the cause of bad energy or vibes :heartbeat::hugs:


Greetings @amara!

I’m with everyone else on this one- your emotional state can have a huge effect on your casting. This can enhance your spellwork, but it can also cause problems too, depending on whether or not your emotions overpower your intention.

There was a great discussion about Emotions in Magick a while back- if it’s something you are interested in learning more about, I’d recommend checking it out! :+1:

I hope your spell went well and that you are feeling better now- blessed be! :heart:


U all are blessing and ur words are healing
I am pleased to be here
Thanks :hugs::heartbeat:


The pleasure is all mine, Amara- make yourself at home here! :heart::blush:


Ah, sweet Mary, phones can be a pain but they aren’t as satisfying as they used to be.
In the old days, Get mad, slam the phone into the receiver, no foul, no gain, Easy Peasy. and you felt better.
Now if you slam the phone down, you could be dropping a cool grand for a new one.
Ah the blessings of technology.
Blessings, Garnet


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