Mystic Magick 💫 Energy Report October 2023

:thinking: You are so right, hon! Thanks :pray: for reminding me! :hugs:

Yes! That’s when I had headaches too! The Schumann Resonance was elevated!

With love :heart: always


No worries and no stress, Marsha- it’s been a wild ride lately and you’ve got a lot on your plate! The most important thing is that you’re finding some time and energy to take care of your wonderful self :heart: :people_hugging: Sending you a huge hug and lots of warmth- I hope that this week will be a gentler one for you! So mote it be! :two_hearts:

I hope everyone had a blessed Full Moon! :full_moon_with_face:


:full_moon: Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy :zap: October 29-31

Waning Gibbous Moon :waxing_crescent_moon:

Moon Phase
~ EarthSky

Art by Anita Opper, ZENTOZANY-Etsy

Astrology Calendar: October 29-31

Mercury :astrology_mercury: in Scorpio :scorpius: Conjunct Mars :astrology_mars: in Scorpio :scorpius: 2023-10-29T14:22:00Z
Ideas can come to you quickly, and you can get excited by what you come up with, what you learn, or what you hear. You may want to take action quickly with one of your ideas.

Moon :astrology_moon: Enters Gemini :gemini: 2023-10-30T15:08:00Z
There can be plenty for you to focus on, and you can fill up your schedule. You can enjoy being busy and using your mental energy.

Venus :astrology_venus: in Virgo :virgo: Trine Uranus :astrology_uranus: in Taurus :taurus: 2023-10-30T12:51:00Z
Making changes in your relationships or dealings with others can prove to be beneficial, and you can find new ways to connect. You can be more open to new people as well.

It feels calmer to me today, so I am trying to catch up a little bit. I do know that November will also bring more changes. Since I feel things so deeply, I may not be able to post every day. I will, however, do my best.

I’ve had a lot of insights coming in, remember here in the Northern Hemisphere the veil is thin during this time. One thing that I just learned today, is when I am grounded, I feel so much calmer and more peaceful! (duh!!!) I knew this, but I guess I just needed a reminder!

We have had a lot of crazy energy, during October, and there were so many times when I couldn’t connect to the heart of the Earth. And I have said many times to take care of yourself! So, I really need to follow my own advice.

With Magickal :dizzy: Energy :zap: always,
Marsha and the Others!


Meanwhile, my brain feels fried today. :joy: Mental clarity: gone. Tiredness: up. Headache: incoming.

It’s a pleasant reminder, at least. Take care of yourself. :people_hugging: :black_heart:

While I go have a nap. :smile:


October has come to an end - find the new Mystic Magick energy report for November here → Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy Report November 2023