Natural Psych Power Abilities,đź’ť

Does anyone know of any spells or rituals that would enhance and strengthen one’s natural given abilities? Thank you in advance. Blessed be.


Ooh gosh @cat I’m inspired as fluff!
I’ve just written a chant and I’m pulling up spell jar ingredients as we speak. I’ll have a spell uploaded by the end of the day :kissing_heart:


Cool beans, Limeberry, I’ll be on the lookout for your spell. In the meantime, I’ve read the Traveling Witch Purple candle spell so I’m going to add on to it and I’ll let you know what I came up with. I love easy simple spells to cast so count on my being that way. Blessed be :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh yes please share what you come up with! Funfunfun! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I most definitely will, after I try it out tonight. I’ve always had this ability and recently it’s been intensely increasing to the point that I’ve been predicting family and my boyfriend events and been right on the mark per their confirmation. I’ve even picked up on the terrible news that happened in Australia. Not sure how or why bc I don’t know anybody that live there but I did. Shocking!!!:astonished:


Here’s what emerged! 🧪 Divination oil - To enhance psychic powers
:kissing_heart: this was fun!


Nieemah, I was reading this book last night, Practical Candleburning Rituals by Raymond Buckland and this is one of the spells in the book:

Spell to Increase your Power

(Good for scrying powers, magickal powers, healing powers, ESP, etc)

You’ll need:

  • 2 white pillar candles for the Altar
  • Any type of incense
  • A candle that represents you following Table 1 below
  • Gold or yellow candle
  • A candle for the day following Table 3 below
  • Purple candles

Table 1:

Table 3:

Table 3


Wooooow :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: saving this for waxing moon fo sho.


:rofl: @Limeberry Your responses crack me up! Fo Shizzle Whizzle! :laughing:


@Francisco Francisco, thank you once again for coming through, bc I’ve been so busy this weekend that I didn’t have time to try my spell. I will try this spell this weekend, :crossed_fingers:t5:fingers crossed, that I hope it works. And thanks again!


Day two of the “Practical Candle Burning Ritual.” I have five more days to go. I hope that this ritual will work for me. Although, at work today, I felt tingling on the top of my head, and had a slight, light headache this morning that last almost all day. Hopefully, that’s a good sign that it’s working.:brain::muscle:t5::ok_woman:t5:

P.S. Picture below


love this book Francisco!


@cat It’s definitely normal to feel fatigued or even drained after performing this kind of ritual. Sounds like a lot of energy is built up in that area

I recommend some hot tea. The headache will go away with time and relaxation.

If you suffer from migraines, make sure there’s nothing you burned that could be a trigger for you. Scents are triggers for many people. :candle: :brain:

@Trey 100%! A very inspired book of rituals! :bookmark:


Am impatiently waiting for this book to arrive :joy: :joy: :joy:


There’s a physical realm to psychic ability. Flouride crusts up the pineal gland, the third eye. Switch to nonflouride toothpaste and drink distilled water.
Also the plants Spirelina and Spurella help detox the pineal gland.
Meat free diets are helpful too. I just can’t get away from burgers and chic filet sandwiches.


@Francisco, the headaches were very mild and went away. The tingling in my head feels as if you would get goosebumps on your arm. The tingling comes and goes but feels good to me, strange huh, lol. I haven’t had any recent premonitions as of yet. Thank you for your advice, it’s always needed.


Wow, @John4, thank you very much for sharing this with us because I’m starting today with the non-Flouride toothpaste, and start drinking the distilled water :sweat_drops:. It’s going to take me a good minute for me to give up meats :poultry_leg:. I feel you on the fast-food restaurant’s :laughing: food lol!


I’ve been trying so hard to work with a healthy pineal gland. I’m drinking Organic. It’s so good! If anyone wants, I have a 20% off coupon code.


@christina4, thank you for offering your coupon to us, you’re so thoughtful. Good luck with developing Psych abilities, if I may suggest the same thing that I’m doing such as mediation, drinking Star Anise tea, rub psych essential oil between your forehead/ third eye, and eat healthy and such.

I’ve always had my psych abilities but I’ve always suppressed them until recently, my visions don’t give me a chance to block it out like I used to. So, I just embrace my gift and try to strengthen it each day through mediation. Some days are difficult to relax and clear my mind, but with practice, I’ll be able to do so.

My Psych abilities thus far, has no limitation, such as communicating with the dead, seeing what in the past and present, can read animal and people thoughts sometimes, and able to sense the feelings or emotions of others. Rather I want to or not, which is very draining to me and tends to make me lazy.

About a week ago, I had a vision that my boyfriend’s father is sick and dying. I just told my boyfriend that he needs to call his dad bc he’s very sick. I didn’t dare to tell that he’s dying. I keep reminding him to call him bc he’s very sick and he’s trying to reach out to him. Being a Psych has its good times and bad times.