Hi everyone, hope I’ve posted this right…
I have done a tarot draw to enquire about deities. I know I am not ready to work with a deity yet, but I have had this nagging feeling all day to find out.
Card 1 (the deity card) - Strength.
Cards 2, 3, 4 and 5 (traits and characteristics) - four of wands, ten of swords, knight of pentacles, page of swords.
Cards 6 and 7 (signs and symbols) - the magician (reversed) and page of cups.
From what I’ve learnt so far, strength could indicate Athena. I have had Athena in my head for a few weeks now, I am obsessed with one song from the musical Epic - specifically Athena’s song. I keep having like one or two of her lines pop into my head when I’m working. It could also be Brigid, Danu, Isis, Virgin Mary, Bast, Dagda or Lugh but none of them seem to have that initial joy spark as reading Athena.
Traits and Characteristics - from what I’m getting from this section the deity is ambitious, driven, easy going, relaxed, a messenger, a watcher, and could represent no turning back.
Signs and Symbols - I’n confused about this really, the magician reversed could mean I’m working against my own creativity - I am very blocked in my creativity and feeling very low in myself. I’m not sure what the page of cups could mean, the keywords I found were poetic and mystical.
Can anyone help me understand this a little bit more? Tarot is new to me, so I’m unsure if I am reading wrong.
Thank you!