New Kindle Book from Lisa Chamberlain $.99 promo

Just got this in an email and thought I’d share. I love her books! (I get no portion of sales, just sharing the information)

[New Book for 99c from Best-Selling Author Lisa Chamberlain!]

I hope you’ve had a festive Samhain season and are ready to embrace the dark half of the year. Since we’ll be seeing a lot more of the night sky for the next few months, I thought this a perfect time to release my newest book, Magical Astrology!

To celebrate this release, Magical Astrology is available on Amazon at the heavily-discounted price of just 99c! This sale will only run for a few days, so click here or on the book cover below to get your copy now!


Thanks @Artemisia , just bought it, funny thing was when I looked at my emails I saw that I too had received one. :joy::joy:
I had bought the hedge witch one before at the same price. :blush::blush:


Thank you for sharing this :hugs: @Artemisia


Thank you for sharing your find with us @Artemisia

Kindle sales are always great ones to come across! :smiling_face:


Same here! I love her Hedge Witch book!


I really like Lisa Chamberlain’s style of writing- I keep her Book of Herbal Spells on my bookshelf, it’s handy and has some great spell suggestions! Will definitely be taking a look at the new Astrolgoy book too, how exciting! :milky_way: :blush:

Thank you for the heads up, @Artemisia! :green_heart: :sparkles:


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