The talented Mistress of Herbs shared a great intro to hedge magick, and you might find this guide about hedge witchcraft to be helpful too:
Hedge Witchcraft: What is a Hedge Witch?
There was also a previous Hedge Magick Challenge- if you scroll down to the comments, you’ll find some wonderful examples of hedge magick shared by your fellow coven members
I’m not Siofra, but I am up freakishly early and happy to help!
I hope you don’t mind if I go ahead and add the link to the full recipe masterpost:
→ Recipes by @Mistress_Of_Herbs Masterpost
(Note that it is in A Sacred Space- so please make sure you are logged in in order to access it!)
Blessed be! (And hope you were able to get some good sleep, @Mistress_Of_Herbs! )