Oh my, if this isn’t my normal then I don’t know what is Usually, I am up a bit earlier than the last few days, but fatigue is kicking my patootie. I’m getting better but have realized that taking an actual nap may help a bit more than just unplugging & relaxing on the couch
I’m glad to hear you’re getting better! Hahaha that means it’s time to turn around give that fatigue a kick instead- give it the boot!
@BryWisteria thank u so much Bry.
@Susurrus its about time u started feeling better. Disinfect your whole house. No more sickies. And kick your kid’s butt for making u sick. Lol
@KerriEvan the wonderful @BryWisteria has posted some great advice here. And she also posted my master link that i told u about to get to my recipes. Enjoy
Seriously, that is not what I meant by sharing is caring
It’s my pleasure, @Mistress_Of_Herbs!
Yes, once they infect you the saying becomes “ drugs not hugs”
So I flared today, my knees were so swollen! I used the lupus oil every 20 minutes for an hour. The fingers and hands are great and I was pleasantly shocked that it kicked my knees’ butt!
@liz3 omg Liz thats wonderful to hear. Im sooooo glad the lupus oil is helping. Glad u got a shock, i love hearing that. It never gets old.
@jill8 unfortunately i dont have a shop right now. Everything is done at my home. Most of my customers are other ppls friends (its all done word of mouth). I do have a few new customers, for some reason ppl feel the need to tell me their issues). All of my oils, teas, salves, amd bath salts are made to order. I always keep certain herbs infusing, for my salves. As for ordering herbs yourself…i live in a very small town in the middle of no were. Im lucky if i can find the basic herbs around here. This summer ill have a greenhouse, to grow my baneful herbs. But alas i digress, i have several amazing suppliers. Also substitutions are easy to find if u know where to look. Yes rosemary is the substitute for any herb magikally but thats not true for teas and such. Btw when i make a tea for someone they get an ounce at the bare minimum. I made two for my pharmacist today and he got 2 ounces of each. If u ever run into an issue of not having something hit me up and ill be happy to help u get the right one for your needs. I don’t mind.
And i understand not having space. I was like that for yrs. Now i have a room all to myself. My husband has even made me shelving. Hes gonna kill me when i get my oil order this weekend. Oops. Oh well he knows this what i love.
But seriously if u need help dont be afraid to ask, the only stupid question is an unasked one.
Many blessings to u.