New to form please read and help

My home was broken into last night while i was sleeping. Two of my sweetest kittens were stolen. My front door left open. I’m sure who was behind this invasion and theft. I will be casting strong protection over me and mine tonight. I need the strength of a coven to help me.I have also purchased security cameras for my home today, but i live alone and have only one other Wiccan friend. How can i tap into the helpful advice and vibes of this forum?
Hope C.


Sending calm thoughts and protection your way.

A home break-in is scary and leaves the victim feeling helpless and afraid. Push through. I do meditation but when you are freaked out, it can be hard. There are lots of spells and actions you can take here on Spells8. I’ll list a couple but search on calming and protection.

Simple calming spell
Malphas home protection spell

Installing cameras is smart. Good job. You can handle it. Call the normal line to the police (not 911) and ask what they can do. Depending on where you are, they will send a car into the neighborhood (frequently) to scare predators/thieves. It works so see if your local LEOs can help.


Welcome @Hopecouture36.

I am saddened to hear of your experience. @Dan3 gave you some good advice. I’ll send positive energy your way.


Hello and welcome @Hopecouture36 I’m sorry this happened and about your fur babies Dan gave great advice


I’m so sorry sending some runes your way. If you know who it is or suspect, personally talk to the police. I hope you get help and protection :green_heart:


Thank you for sending runes. I know who is behind this invasion of my privacy and kitties. I have purchased security cameras to be installed today. The most important thing is to beef up my protection, cleansing and working spells to protect me and mine. I will recharge myself.Then do a very direct Return to Sender spell. Just to help karma on it’s way to the person/people responsible. It gives me great encouragement to find the perfect spell here on this site. Blessings to you :butterfly:


I am genuinely sorry for the break-in and the loss of your cats. I can’t imagine what you must be going through! Sending you strength, protection, and hope for the safe return of your cats :white_heart:


Hi there, @Hopecouture36! It sounds like you’ve got some great advice. I’m glad. I can’t imagine the terror of having your fur babies stolen or your house broken into. Sending you good vibes!


Hello @Hopecouture36,

I’m so sorry for what happened, but you’ve got some great spell advice and it sounds like you’ve got a plan in place. That’s great! Wishing you all the best as you work to reclaim what was stolen.

Good luck and blessings to you :pray: :heart: