Orgonite (Orgone) 🌀

Has anyone used or have orgonite? What do you like to use it for? Does it work for you or not? :slight_smile: id love to start a discussion on it!

Ive seen it in many forms such as a pyramid, pop socket for your phone, tower buster, necklaces, obelisk, etc.

Here are some photos of mine!

“Orgonite is a substance made of resin, metals and quartz that balances and harmonises bio-energy, otherwise known as orgone, chi or prana… Orgonite is based on these two principles. It is a 50-50 mix of resin (organic, due to the fact that it is based on petrochemicals), and metal shavings (inorganic). A quartz crystal is also added inside the orgonite matrix. Energy which is out of balance is absorbed into the orgonite by the metal-resin mix, and brought back to a healthy, vibrant state by the embedded crystal…”

"The effects of orgonite differ from person to person. Some feel the energy straight away (usually as a tingling or warm sensation) while for others the effects are cumulative. The most commonly reported effects of orgonite are:

• Better sleep and vivid dreams
• More energy
• Balanced moods
• Decreased sensitivity to EMFs
• Spiritual and psychological growth
• Increased resistance to illness (orgonite should never be used as a substitute for professional medical care)"


You have some pretty orgonite! I have a pyramid as well. I do feel energy from crystals so I can feel this energy too. It gives me a boost when I feel a little stressed or have self doubt. The life force behind it in meditation is phenomenal. I love to meditate with mine. Also, it protects from EMF. When I can, I keep my pyramid near my device that I’m using at the time. I hope you find that helpful.
Edit…my spelling has been horrible lately. Lol


First I’m seeing of orgonite - thanks for introducing it to me!
It looks so beautiful and powerful! It may be one to add to my list :thinking:


No worries on the spelling you’re perfectly fine! And thank you :slight_smile:

Thats awesome. I keep mine by me when i’m on my computer as well. I haven’t meditated with it yet but I plan to! Id love to see what yours looks like too :slight_smile:


You are welcome! It’s not talked about that much. Ive seen some in metaphysical shops before but not a lot. I know Etsy has a good selection on there


What a beautiful crystal! I’ll have to see if I can put that on my wish list. It sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing!


Of course! I’ll try to take a pic for you tomorrow morning. I don’t want to promise but I’ll try. When I first got mine, I also slept with it on my night stand right next to me.


What a gorgeous crystal, @Missa! :star_struck: I also hadn’t heard of Orgonite before but it sounds like a careful combination of many good things coming together to make something lovely :gem: Thank you so much for introducing it! I agree, it sounds like something that needs more recognition :grin: