Pdf background for spells

Hey. I was wondering where can I find the transparent background to create an online grimoire. I can’t seem to find anywhere the background used often in spells here like the Bast spell or the tea spells. If anyone could share it I would appreciate it.


I think what you are looking for is at the bottom of the page here!


Merry meet!

I’m Kat and am currently located in North Carolina. I found the practice over 20 years ago but lost my way for a while. I found my way home a couple of years ago and shortly thereafter found this amazing group of people!! I am a fairly eclectic Green witch with a deep interest in tarot, runes, herbalism, and moon magic. My deities are Artemis (she’s been with me since the beginning) and Hekate, a recent guide in my life.

We’re glad to have you here. :purple_heart: Make yourself comfortable, explore, and feel free to ask questions!

:herb: :bow_and_arrow: :hekate_wheel: :crescent_moon:


Welcome, @Azalea :heart:

Bingo! @Artemisia kindly has you covered with the themed spell pages as well as the blank one. May it serve you well as your build your online Grimoire :open_book: :sparkles:

Blessed be!


Just a short note to welcome you, @Azalea :infinite_roots: :hugs:
With love :heart: always, Marsha



I have been practicing for a while, however I am new in this site and forum. I was a solitary witch for around 8 years, and I just found my way here.

I’m Kat too but I am located in Europe. My interests are mainly in norse and celtic magic. I love collecting crystals and tarot decks and I have a passion for herbalism. My deities are Odin, Bast, Morrigan and Kali. I also have a cat familiar.

Thank you for the link! I am remaking my book of shadows and creating an online copy. I was actually looking for the other background, which has a flame-like design and is used in a lot of spells on the site. I was asking because I have been writing my own spells for the past 2 years. I had an idea of having a separate background for spells I create, this way I can easily detect them later ( I am a visual person ) and I like to go back and perfect my craft!

The backgrounds you linked will be quite useful for me! I might use the dividers for different chapters!

Merry Meet and Blessed Be! Thank you for welcoming me!
I am happy to find a place of like minded people!


Welcome @Azalea hope you enjoy it here as much as I.

Blessed be :sparkling_heart:


Welcome @Azalea ! Your Book sounds beautiful!


Hello and welcome I’m Tracy from England. Nice to meet you :grin::green_heart:


I’m Kat three, but located in Australia. :grin:

I mostly go by Katerina or Katya, though. And my deities start with Hekate and Lilith. :black_heart:

It’s lovely to meet you. :smile:

That’s an awesome idea. :sparkles:


Just stopping by to say welcome to the forum! I hope your BOS turns out exactly as you want it! Good luck!


@Azalea welcome to the forum! @Artemisia got you all set, so I am just popping in to say hi :wave: I’m Susurrus, a moderator here at Spells8. Feel free to ask any other questions or hop into any open topic. I look forward to speaking with some more! :revolving_hearts:


@Azalea Welcome :hugs: Nice to meet you! :blush: I’m Beth from Pennsylvania. I’m still finding my path, but this coven :infinite_roots: has been so supportive and kind and has really helped me grow, not only in my practice, but spiritually and emotionally! :heart::blush: Make yourself at home :house_with_garden: So happy you’re here! :heart: :witch_pentacle: :heart: