Pendulum energy

I love using my pendulum, it’s become a friend to me. One thing I’ve noticed, however, is that I have to use the pendulum over my hand. I use one hand to hold the pendulum and the other is just open below it but not allowing the pendulum to touch it. I find that the pendulum is much more active. I also can feel its energy and movement in my hand, almost like the pendulum is writing on it. Why is that? Am I directing the pendulum?


Ooh I don’t know. Someone here will know so I’m going to watch this space. I use my pendulum alot too, so this is interesting. :thinking::sparkling_heart:


Hmm… :thinking: I’ve never thought about this before! When I use my pendulum, I tend to hold it in my dominant hand and place my non-dominant hand under it, the same as you’ve described.

For me, I originally thought it helped me see the movement of the pendulum. There could be more to it, though! I don’t think you’re directing the pendulum yourself, but maybe providing a stable sort of energetic surface for the pendulum to work on, if that makes sense.


I will usually use a card for my pendulum, but I tried a hand reading and the energy is definitely different! The connection feels much stronger using my hand. I’m still learning about the aspects of the pendulum myself so aren’t able to help with whether you’re influencing the pendulum- I wonder the same thing about myself! Someone may have an answer for you, and I love the way you say it feels like the pendulum is writing on your hand. Great way to describe it! Have you tried writing any letters down you feel it may be spelling? Maybe it’s giving you a worded answer! I have several different reading cards, and one of them is letters so the pendulum can spell out words for me. :blush: Just an idea!



When I was taking Healing Touch classes with Janet Mentgen we used a pendulum over each chakra to determine if they were open! If the pendulum indicated that a chakra was closed, the goal was to open the chakra with Healing Touch!

If I hold a pendulum over my palm, it will begin to move in a circle. So my question for you is this, Is the pendulum moving because of the chakra in your palm? Since you can feel the movement in your hand, then you can feel the energy with your palm.

Also since it feels as if it’s writing on your palm, you could try automatic writing! Although, I cannot do this… if I create a sacred space and close my eyes, I intuitively receive inspiration! I don’t know how this works, but it does.

I hope this helps you in some way, and please let me know if you have any questions.

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


@marsha This is interesting, I might try this myself, thanks for this. :sparkling_heart:


I love what everyone’s said here so far and especially what @marsha said about automatic writing, that is something to consider for sure…. I guess you would have to put your pendulum down to perform the writing, IDK how that would work hmmmm.

As far as my own practice, I was taught that you use your dominant hand to hold the pendulum, making sure your pendulum is cleansed and charged prior to using it each time. With the pendulum in the dominant hand, the way you decipher what is your yes/no/maybe is to place your non dominant hand palm up underneath the pendulum and hold it over the first finger/middle finger/thumb, respectively to determine for you, what is the swing motion for each of those answers since everyone has different pendulum swing motions for each answer. To get the answer to a question, you either use a pendulum answer mat, or just a clear table, or as Marsha indicated - hold above each chakra to determine if there’s a blockage - oh and also we are supposed to utilize a pendulum for guidance instead of a rigid decision making tool.

Anyway, that is my practice and experience, @devin6!
Light and love, Jan


I often hold my pendulum over my hand, too! I haven’t had any formal pendulum classes, but it seems to me that a pendulum is supposed to be using your energy to show you what you actually already know to be true… it’s like it’s helping you get past all the other stuff in your head and your heart… like a true gut reading? That’s been my experience so far. I think holding it over your hand just helps to channel the energy. I also think using a pendulum over a mat or card or table is also fine. You do what works for your and makes you feel most connected and confident!


Question. If holding it over your hand taps into your higher self, if you needed direction from spirit, would holding it over your hand interfere with that?


That’s a really good question, Tracy! :clap: The way I believe pendulums work is through inner guidance, our subconscious, and other spirits. If I specifically ask for guidance from an outside spirit (God, ancestor, etc.), then I would attribute those answers to the spirit as long as it felt like they were there, ya know? Even if I had my hand under the pendulum, spirits can and do influence the energy around us as well as the energy within us. :sparkles: I guess that part just boils down to personal belief!


@MeganB That makes sense. I personally just stick with my board or a piece of paper if I’m looking for more detail. Thanks for this :sparkling_heart:


Anytime! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It’s interesting how many different beliefs are out there on how these things work lol I’m sure there are even more than we know!


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