Pets all around

I have a burning question. Where I practice is a spare bedroom in our house. My wife is very of me (Thank the Gods). My question has to do with casting a circle. The casting part is not my issue, having our dog and four cats wandering about is though. I cannot just shut the door as they would just yowl or otherwise scratch at the door. This would make concentrating very tough. I was wondering for the others who have fur babies what do they do?


Sorry Mo. I haven’t had issues. My cat lays by my altar and my dog lays outside my circle. When they see me start to cast they run to their places and just lay there until I am done and remove the circle. I didn’t do any training, they just automatically do this.


Hey Mo my dog is always around it’s okay to have pets around my dog usually doesn’t pose a problem unless I do my bone magick :joy: totally okay to have pets around sometimes they can even be part of your practice


Feed them first so they are full and then redirect them to lay down on the floor. They will just nap. Full bellies


Also after being fed sometimes I just shoo them away from in front of me. May take a few times but they lay down. I rather not catch any tails on fire. You say no enough they will lay down


Hello Mo,

Great question! Others have already shared some solid input for you - just chiming in to say I agree, you can work around/with your pets when circle casting :blush:

Here is one possible solution shared in a similar discussion from a while back:

Happy casting, @maurice2! :sparkles: :dog: :cat:


I let my pets wander around my space. They don’t seem to bother my energies. They don’t get up on my table either. My one cat senses spirits so I feel he protects me.


You all are fantastic!! Thanks for the info. It really puts my mind at ease about this. From here on out, I will no longer worry about our pets when they come into “My space.”


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