Pick a Card šŸŒŗ Imbolc Edition!

I wanted to try something new this Sabbat - a Pick a Card tarot reading! This is a super fun and interesting way to do a reading that has been popularized on social media. Are you ready? Letā€™s choose a card!

Note: The deck pictured is Mother Tarot by Wren Brignac.


Before you choose a card, letā€™s take a moment to breathe and focus on our question. This reading is for Imbolc, so we are going to focus on the message we need to hear for the coming Spring season. The reading may also work for Lughnasadh, so feel free to choose a card if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, too!

Imbolc is one of four Celtic fire festivals that celebrates Brighid, healing, fertility, and the coming Spring. It is common at this time to plant seeds of intention, either physical, mental, or spiritual. With this in mind, it is time to choose a card.

Take a deep breath inā€¦and slowly release it.

Breathe In Help GIF

Do this at least three times, all while focusing on this question: What message do I need to hear this Imbolc?

Remember - three deep breaths while focusing on the question.


Below is an image that shows three tarot cards facedown. From left to right, they are considered cards one through three. When you are ready, choose a card and scroll down to reveal your reading. When replying, try not to give away the cards and interpretations for each number - make it a surprise for everyone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:sparkles: :heart: :sparkles: :heart: :sparkles:

Did you choose your card? Are you ssuurrreeee? Yeah? Okay, well, now it is time for your interpretation! Below is an interpretation and image of each card! Select the one for the card you chose and ponder on the reading.

1ļøāƒ£ Card One

The Magician :man_mage:

You are a master manifester! This Imbolc, you have everything you need to set plans in motion. You know what you want and you have the tools and knowledge you need to get it. Plant some seeds - both physical and spiritual - and watch them blossom into wonderful opportunities for growth!

2ļøāƒ£ Card Two

Three of Wands :sparkles:

Itā€™s time to plan for the future. There will be opportunities open to you as long as you have the courage to jump for them! Though you know these choices come with their own sets of challenges, this is still a great time to put plans into motion. Right now, itā€™s time for you to DREAM BIG!

3ļøāƒ£ Card Three

The World Reversed :earth_americas:

You have to learn to let go of the past. There can be no forward progress if you are still seeking closure from past events. Take time this Imbolc to release your fears and anxieties, leaning into healing energy rather than stagnation. Once you can let these things go, the path will be cleared for growth and abundance!

So, now that you have seen the interpretations and chosen your card, let me know if the reading resonated with you! Take the poll below - letā€™s track how accurate the reading is.

Does the reading resonate with you? šŸ©·
  • Yes :white_check_mark:
  • No :no_entry:
  • Ehh? :woman_shrugging:
0 voters

Thank you! This was super cool. I was just popping in to look up whoā€™s doing what for Imbolc.


Youā€™re welcome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Iā€™m glad you think this kind of thing is cool - I wasnā€™t sure if people would like it :joy: Iā€™ve thought about doing some other ones like this, too - maybe for the other sabbats and esbats!

I hope youā€™re having a wonderful Imbolc!


I would participate in those for sure.

Pretty good imbolc- except the cleaning part, cleaning up after 3 others who donā€™t care about mess and myself is rather daunting. I am considering casting a spell on them to encourage a desire the clean and tidy! But for now, I will energetically clean the house. :grin::innocent:


@MeganB Thank you, this was so fun! And a kick-in-the-pants reminder to keep trying, keep progressing, and keep working on my business!


Thank so on par with what I am experiencing!!! Thank you :blush:


Whoaā€¦ :astonished:

I donā€™t know why Iā€™m so surprised that it resonated, but likeā€¦ Whoa. :astonished:

I have everything I need. It is time to do. :black_heart:


This was great. Dream big. That gives Loki the scope to create a whole load of chaos :rofl::green_heart: Thanks for doing this :sparkling_heart:


@starborn Whoa indeed :open_mouth: I got the same message. Iā€™ve gone as far as dreams can take me. Time to get practical. :black_heart:


This is a good one! And a great start to imbolc. Thanks.


Yay! This is such a fun activity- I chose my card and you know, I probably shouldā€™ve guess what would be underneath :laughing: Time to plant those seeds and let 'em grow! :seedling: :blush:

I also want to say thank you for including a crystal with each card- I probably wouldā€™ve sat here for a solid five minutes second-guessing which one felt most right :joy: The crystal helped guide the way! :gem:

Thank you so much for this, Megan! :heart:

Blessed Imbolc!


This was perfect. Exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you!

@Phoenix_Rose Iā€™m not sure if the ā€œ3 who wonā€™t clean upā€ includes children, but if my kidsā€™ bedrooms are looking awful, I just shrug and say they must have TOO MANY THINGS to be able to take care of their rooms properly, and maybe we should get rid of some of their stuff to make cleaning up easierā€¦ Hoo boy, does THAT light a fire under their butts :laughing:


Ooo I liked this one & it was something I needed to hear but at the same time have also heard before :laughing: Suppose I should get on it & figure it out :rofl:


I have what I need, too.

Thank you @MeganB

Not surprised. I actually started with a confidence builder, yesterday, just to convince myself itā€™s not as hard as I thought it was. This morning began the flow.

As Mary Poppins once said, ā€œWell begun is half done.ā€


Yes, 2 of the 3 are kids. I am not concerned with their rooms as that is their space. And they do move fast when I walk in with a garbage bagā€¦ it is the rest of the house where everywhere I look it is just clutter. And the ā€˜adultā€™ I am married to does not set a good example. I am throwing out more and more stuff in the house but I work close to 60 hours a week and I canā€™t keep up. Eventually it will turn around. :crossed_fingers: In the meantime, I am formulating a spell to inspire them to clean or feel really uncomfortable in a mess. Ethically, I am good with this.
His aunt even said in front of him that her husband and kids would never disrespect her that way. There was a change for about a week. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Itā€™s something Iā€™ve been working on. Thank you Megan!


I wish I could leave my kidsā€™ rooms alone! That would save me a lot of effort lol. But we have a boatload of allergies in the house and I need to dust/vacuum a lot to try and tamper that down.

Considering the circumstances, Iā€™d say a spell is a good idea!


Great idea! I really liked it! Definitely resonates with me :blush:


Absolutely resonated with me, now to really focus on following the advice! Thank you, thatā€™s really given me a boost!


Oh wow - Iā€™m so happy to hear that this activity and reading resonated with so many of you (and that you all like this kind of thing!) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Seriously - it warms my heart so, so much! Iā€™m so excited to keep doing this kind of activity!