Planetary Alignment

Hello I am new. January 21 the planets will be in alignment. I was wondering if this gives more power or does it take power if you do any rituals or spell work on this night.


Hi, @heather50! Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots: It’s nice to have you here!

I’m gonna tag our astrology expert, @Cosmic_Curiosity in. He’ll know what’s going on! He’s really great at that sort of magic!

Hope this helps you!


Merry meet!

My name is Kat, and I’ve been practicing the craft for over 30 years. My practice is rooted in a blend of nature magick, green magick, and elements of hedgecraft.

I don’t know either but in addition to @Cosmic_Curiosity I’ll add in two others who might be able to shed some light @BryWisteria and @MeganB

We’re glad to have you here. :purple_heart: Make yourself comfortable, explore, and feel free to ask questions!:herb: :bow_and_arrow: :acorn: :crescent_moon: :deer:


Welcome to the forum @heather50! We are glad to have you here. I don’t know the answer to that but it seems @Amethyst has you covered with calling. Cosmiccuriosity because he is expert astrologer…
I am Celine a electic Witch from Portland, OR. Please make yourself at home!


Hello and welcome @heather50 we’re so excited you are here

@Cosmic_Curiosity is great with these questions


Welcome @heather50!

Usually, planetary alignments mean mixed energies are working together, right?

What a bunch of fuddy- duddies we are! Alan is doing his best to teach us, and it’s going over our heads! I don’t feel so bad about my own confusion, now.

At any rate, please do join in on any conversation that interests you.


Hi all.

Just saw this post. Im jist heading to work but will do my best to answer when I get home. Love when an astrology question pops up!

Blessed be



Hello @heather50,

Welcome to the forum! The coven community is blessed to have you here :heart:

@Cosmic_Curiosity is a very talented astrologer and will have better astrology-specific wisdom to share with you than I can offer, but if I can put a few general thoughts on the table, I’d say yes - drawing on the alignment of the planets could enhance your spellwork :+1:

When casting a spell, there are so many influences one can draw on - from the current phase of the moon, to the associations of the day of the week, to any deities they work with, to crystals included, to the magickal correspondences of ingredients they use, etc. There’s a lot out there! There’s also no need to draw on every possible influence in a given spell. As someone who believes that our spellwork is guided by our intentions, I’ve found that it’s the magickal influences we acknowledge that enhance and guide our spells.

So, if you believe that the alignment of the planets is a positive and powerful force, and you choose to invite that power into your space, I’d say it would enhance and guide your magick :magic_wand: :ringer_planet:

As for what specific traits the alignment of the planets could bring to a spell, on a basic level, I’d say balance, harmony, creating pathways, completion of a cycle, start of a new cycle, and the might of universal forces. You might also consider the general energies of each planet in alignment to also be enhanced. Cosmic has a great guide about the planets and their individual associations, I’ll link it here:

→ Beginner Astrology - Guide to the Planets

Whether you choose to tap into the planetary alignment for your spells or not, I’m wishing you happy casting! Blessed be :sparkles:


Hi all,

An alignment of planets occurs when they appear to “line up” one behind the other. It is extremely rare for this to happen but not impossible. What happens here is you will basically have planets all in conjunction with one and other, creating a “super conjunction” and a merging of the planetary energies. Conjunctions are not classed as either positve or negstive aspects because it very much depends on the planets involved. Two benefic planets will give a more favourable outcome than two malefics in conjunction.

The influence of a planetary alignment such as the one seen on social media involving all of the planets would be a huge mish mash of energy but much of its influence would very much depend on the sign in which the alignment occurs. For example, if it occured in Taurus then Venus would have a huge influence over the other planets because it rules Taurus. These events are also thought to bring amplified energy and creativity as well as being a time for new beginnings. It could bring potential challenges though if only the malefic planets (Mars and Saturn) were involved.

Time to put my astronomy hat on now though and be the bearer of bad news. There are many memes on social media saying that the planets will all align in January (some say 21st and others say 25th).

Unfortunately these are not true. There is no alignment of the planets this month, this year or even in the foreeable future. You can see in this image that the planets are not aligned from Earth’s POV.

That being said, what we do have is the opportunity to see Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in all their glory in the sky at the same time. They will visible in the night sky for most of January. This may be an ideal time for working with the enegies of these planets while they are visible.

  • Venus can charge intentions linked to love, relationships and aesthetics. Best done on a Friday.
  • Mars can charge intentions linked to your passions, drive and any physicial activitiy. Best done on a Tuesday.
  • Jupiter can charge intentions linked to good fortune, abundance and expansion. Best done on a Thursday.
  • Saturn can charge intentions linked to responsiblity, setting boundaries and discipline. Best done on a Saturday.
  • Uranus is kicking about in this line up as well but is not visible with the naked eye. It can still assist with intentions based on problem solving, innovative thinking and humanitarian efforts.

Mercury is also visible but in the morning just before sunrise, not with the others at night. It can charge intentions linked to communication and learning, best done on a Wednesday.

Another way to work with the planets is by using their “magic squares”. I have linked a post that i wrote about this previously:

Magic squares can only be used for the traditional planets so there arent ones for Uranus, Neptune or Pluto.

Hope this helps



So no alignment per se, but an excellent chance to work with some of the key players - it’s neat that we’ll be able to see so many of them in the sky at the same time! :grinning:

Thank you for explaining things and also for the very helpful graphics that make it easy to visualize! It’s also handy to have the list of which planets are ideal for certain intentions, as well as recommended days of the week to work them on.

Thank you, @Cosmic_Curiosity! :raised_hands: :ringer_planet: :sparkles:


Yes it is not often we see the traditional planets all in the night sky so close to each other. Pull a telescope out then Uranus and Neptune are in the lineup as well.

As for the Planetary Days. These might be of help. I think I might have posted them before but things can lost in the sea of new topics. Hoepfully these are of some help.

Venus is already shining brightly here tonight: