Plants to help soothe mosquito bites?

That’s amazing! I’m a mosquito magnet and am always looking for relief. I may make some basil oil for a salve next summer.


I came to recommend tea tree oil too. I am a mosquito magnet and tea tree works for me!


@AileyGrey oh im a magnet too. I get welts. My husband has marigolds, citronella, basil, rosemary, sage, all kinds of plants around the yard. Today im actually going out to collect the marigold seeds, so we have them for next yr. As its supposed to be 65 today.

I also make a calendula and arnica salve to help with the itching and it gets rid of the bites in about a day. Plus its animal friendly, and ive even used it for my dog who is allergic to grass and breaks out in welts.


Ohh I completely forgot about calendula :sweat_smile: I need to make a salve with that soon. I’ve got some calendula flowers in a jar on my altar that need to be used. I think I would even add in lavender. How does that sound?


Ooo… I forgot about the Calendula salve too! I have some in a little tin.

Also, need to remember to get Marigolds for my garden by the front door :laughing: We had them, I just had forgotten to collect the seeds. Oh & Nasturtium too… I put that around 2 of our Oak trees.


Good to know- and most importantly, I’m glad you were able to get rid of the itch! :raised_hands: Mosquitos sure are nasty little buggers :mosquito:

I’ve heard honey helps to ease bee stings (although I use another remedy for bee stings). I wonder if honey or the poultice would help with mosquito bites too? :thinking: I’ll have to wait until the little buggers come back next summer to test the theory! :laughing:

Thanks for sharing your remedy, @TheMuslimWitch! :heart::blush:


I need a calendula and arnica salve lesson, please! I have calendula in my face wash and love it… but not any other. But I am all for anti sleeted bite salves!!


Plantain is great for that. You can find it outdoors, depending on the weather where you live all you do is chew up a leaf and place it on the bite. Or you can buy online dried or buy a plant online keep inside until weather permits you to plant it outdoors. Anyways if you get it dried you can mix with ACV then make a tincture out of the left over. Plantain is not only magical but medicinal.


Try vetivert root amazingggggly magical.


@MeganB for u…lavender sounds great!! For me it sounds like death lol

Ive actually made it that way, even added lavender buds to it. It was well received.


@Susurrus oh girlie i got two tubs full of marigold seeds from our harvest, yesterday. Ill send u some.


@AileyGrey anytime


@antoinette yes it is


Ohh yeah, I saw on one of your other posts that you’re allergic! I think I’ll make one with the calendula and lavender – hopefully I can get that started tomorrow :blush:


Marigolds contain natural permethrins that keep out bugs, bed & head bugs
Witch hazel is a great topical astringent to reduce the inflammatory mediators as does 91% rubbing alcohol
Feel better


I had forgotten about how wonderful witch hazel is! Definitely something to keep on hand for itchy bug bites… and about a million other things!


Oh my! I had forgotten about this also! I don’t know how, I got some for my daughter, whose Irish skin is very prone to redness & inflammation, especially during this time of year & that whole… acne thing with teenagers. I’ll have to make sure she doesn’t need more & get some before she gets home if she is low. Thank you @Wysteria_Norn & @AileyGrey!

I also use 91% Alcohol for certain irritations & inflammation. I try to have at least one bottle in the house. It’s also good for removing the tackiness from glass that has had some kind of sticky label on it.


Alcohol is also amazing for de-icing your windshield! It melts the ice, but won’t refreeze! I keep some in the garage for mornings when I don’t want to scrape the windshield! In Georgia, it’s not a probably I have very often, but sometimes, always on a day when we are already running late, that windshield will be just as icy as can be! It’s amazing to watch it just melt away!


Oh my @AileyGrey! Thank you for that tid bit! Living in New England you’d think that I would already know that trick :laughing: We had a nice sparkly bit of frosty glaze the other day & I started my car & let it defrost a bit before I went out to run errands. Good trick to keep on hand… I’ll be getting a smaller bottle for the de-icing & scrapers that are going to be a staple by the front door now.


Hello @Mistress_Of_Herbs , how do you make a salve?

I haven’t been too much of a green witch except what I have learned from my mother. But I expect I will learn I have been missing out on some awesome things.

Mosquitoes love me and my son and he gets welts. It would be great so have a slave to put on it or should I just put the tea tree or basil on neat?