Pluton ☠ Greek God of the Underworld

Hello everyone! It has been a minute since I have done a little article about a deity, so today, we’re going to be talking about Pluton. I figured since we’re in the darker half of the year, it would be good to learn some more about a Greek God of the Underworld, King of the Dead, and Keeper of the Gates of Hades.

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Who is Pluton?

Commonly known as Hades, Pluton is the Greek Olympian God of the Underworld and the dead. He is the brother of Zeus :cloud_with_lightning: King of the Olympians and the husband of Persephone, Goddess of the Spring and Queen of the Underworld.

He is commonly called Hades, but this is a misnomer. Hades is the name for the Greek Underworld where Pluton resides. Either name is fine to use, but historically it was considered bad luck to call on Him as Hades. He rules over one part of the physical world alongside His brothers Zeus and Poseidon. Pluton rules the Underworld. Poseidon rules the Sea. Zeus rules the skies.

Homer, Iliad 15. 187 ff (trans. Lattimore) (Greek epic C8th B.C.)

“We are three brothers born by Rheia to Kronos (Cronus), Zeus, and I [Poseidon], and the third is Aides [Haides] lord of the dead men. All was divided among us three ways, each given his domain. I [Poseidon] when the lots were shaken drew the grey sea to live in forever; Aides drew the lot of the mists and the darkness, and Zeus was allotted the wide sky, in the cloud and the bright air. But earth and high Olympos are common to all three.”

God of the Underworld, but so much more!

Besides being King of the Underworld, ruling over Hades with His Queen, Persephone, Pluton is responsible for presiding over funeral rights. He also defends the right of the dead to have a proper burial.

As Pluton, he is also the God of the hidden wealth of the earth, especially since He presides within the Earth. This covers all hidden gems within the earth, the nourished soil, and things mined such as gold, silver, and other metals.

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Important Things to Pluton

According to Pluton has several associations.

Symbols Royal sceptre, cornucopia
Sacred Animals Screech-owl
Sacred Plants Asphodel, mint, white poplar
Retinue Judges of the Dead, the Erinyes, Cerberus
Other Names Pluton, Aidoneus
Roman Name Pluto, Dis, Orcus

If you’re looking to work with or honor Him, consider the Devotion to Hades here on Spells8!



Thank you @MeganB for pulling this information together. I am still learning about the deities. For me it is a fascination and hasn’t bloomed into a full fledged relationship yet. Gaia has become an interest of late, but I am so glad you are broadening my horizons. I have to admit that I was not familiar with Pluton… Hades, yes, but not Pluton so this is great information.


Huh. I did not know that. Thanks for sharing, Love! I like it when I learn something new.


You’re welcome! If there’s ever a deity that you’re looking for more information on, just let me know! Chances are I can find some good sources of information for you to check out.

You’re welcome! And the reason they didn’t like to call Him by the name Hades was because that is also the name of the Underworld in Greek mythology. They believed that it was bad luck to speak the name of the Underworld so historically, they call Him by His name of Pluton! I didn’t know this before either!


Thanks for the read. I’m into Hades and the Underworld. Greek mythology was always an interest of mine. Since I’m currently trying to tap into the other side of death, this a great addition to my thinking. I knew once a long time ago that his actual name was Pluton, however, I needed the reminder. My study of the Gods and Goddesses must grow on.


Thank you @MeganB!!!


Thank you @MeganB. This is very very interesting.


You’re welcome :heart:


This is fascinating! :star_struck: I’ll admit I’ve been digging a bit deeper into Greek deities of late, since a recent game I’m interested in is themed around them (any other Hades fans? :laughing: )

I also didn’t know it is considered rude to refer to Pluton as Hades- this is great to know! Thank you so much for putting this together and sharing your wisdom, @MeganB :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Not necessarily rude :blush: just bad luck because that’s also the name of the Underworld. I’m glad you found it helpful, though!


Thanks for this awesome post and information, @Megan!!

For those interested, here’s a video with great views of the Nekromanteion, one of the only temples of necromancy devoted to Hades and Persephone. :classical_building: Also known as the door to Hades, the realm of the dead:


Oh thanks for that @Francisco :classical_building: I always love watching things like this. I find it all very fascinating.


There’s a similar The Sumerian account. The Underworld is ruled by the Goddess Ereshkegal, sister to Inana. Ereshkegal is married to Nergal, the God of the dead. There’s a story about Inana’s God Husband Damuzi dying and Inana tricked her sister into letting his soul out of the Underworld. Osiris and Isis had a similar story and led to the birth of Horus; Osiris reincarnated.


I happened to stumble upon this post & I’m happy that I did! I had no idea about Pluton. I had a loose knowledge of Hades & Persephone. This is great to know! Thank you for putting this post together!