Q&A: Ask Freely and Learn about the Craft!

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Celebrating Ostara in the Southern Hemisphere :earth_africa:

4 posts were split to a new topic: Sharing an altar with your partner?

5 posts were split to a new topic: Exploring Natal Charts

Hi,im new in the forum.I just started a love spell in waning moon .My intention was to banish problems in my couple .I had so many problems with my wife.So my question is will my love spell work ?I began the spell today to strengten my couple thank.


Hi Ake, and welcome to the Forum! :pray:

I agree that this Waning Moon is a good time to cast a banishing spell for the problems in your relationship! Use the rest of this week to focus on those problems.

Next monday there will be a New Moon so you can combine your spell with a renewed love spell such as this sweetening candle spell.

Meanwhile, ask for guidance, follow this guidance prayer or ask for wisdom and strength. Or follow this guided meditation to let your higher beings show you the best course of action. Be a good listener.

if you think there are lots of conflicts in your home, light a blue candle. A home blessing prayer and meditating while focused on the issues will help you a lot. Pray and be honest with yourself. Apologize to yourself and to your wife if necessary to clear any negative energies.

Depending on the nature of your problems, you can supplement your spellwork with other practices such as sex magic or money rituals.

Many times, your wife’s happiness will be more important than your own so stay strong and be blessed! :sparkles:

If you prefer to talk to a live love counselor right now, click here.


Thank you a lot for your support.


is there any spells i can use to get in contact with my grandfather who passed away a almost 2 years ago? i want to know if he is okay and how he is doing… i also would like to ask him questions like was there anything he needed to let me know before he abrubtly passed on. getting this closure is very important to me because i believe it will help me grieve and get the closure that ive been longing for since.


Hi Saylah, I know how you feel, I miss my parents and family a lot. I speak to them regularly and have an ancestor altar up for all of them.

Check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSODkhXCJ7I


Hi Saylah!

I had a member of my family pass away last year and I did this spell as a way to say goodbye:


If you scroll to the bottom of the page you’ll find a section on contacting the dead with a purple candle, pen, and paper. I hope that helps! :pray:


Hi, I read that the altar needs to be in the centre of you cast circle yet people have the altar on window sills or against a wall, how can you cast a protective spell if it’s not central.thanks.


Hi Andrew. Good question!

The altar can be in the center of your circle or to one side (for example facing North) if it has a special significance to you.

:o: The circle helps to enhance energies, connect you with the elements, and also protect you from harm as well.

Some people only cast a circle when working with a group/coven, as a means of setting a boundary for the energy created together.

There are no hard and fast rules. The main thing is to get started and find out what works best for you and your space.

Blessed be! :pray:


Hello @andrew1 I cast a circle anytime, my altar is against the wall, but I use my sword (you don’t need one) and I circle MY whole room with it, the tip goes over the altar, I also salt all, and I incense. My room is small, so I consecrate the whole room…


Greetings, I’m Starlene from sunny Pennsylvania, I am a baby witch who has reached the long anticipated Devotional of my journey. I have not completed because I have no chalice nor wand. Is there anything I can do? I have my altar almost ready but every shop I’ve tried is too expensive for me.lf


Hi Starlene, I’m glad you decided to start your path!

You don’t have to have any tools! They can be helpful but its not necessary that you buy anything expensive.

It’s not the tools, it’s the Witch

Instead, get creative with what you have. My first book of shadows was an old notebook that I had, my wand is an old drumstick. Being a percussionist it has special value to me.

Your wand could be a pen that you used for exams, a wooden spoon, a paint brush, a branch that you found… And even your index finger as it will direct and also channel energy.

Your chalice could be a cup of tea or mug. It channels healing energy when you fill it with tea and drink it. Just make sure once you consecrate it for a Magical use, don’t put it back in the kitchen drawer but keep it separate!


Thank you so very much. I feel I’ve waited a Thank you. I have waited 10 lifetimes for my path to begin! I’ve worshipped the Godess and God since I can remember I just never understood and I certainly kept it to couldn’t ask anyone. Blessed Be!!


You’re very welcome!!! :raised_hands:

Ask any questions you have, or whenever you feel like sharing anything you’re interested in, or learning about… You can create a topic in the forum or reply to any topic you like!

Blessed Be!! :dizzy:


2 posts were split to a new topic: Anyone know any good luck spells to help pass an exam?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Body gets hot when casting spells. Is it normal?