Quitting Nicotine

[CW: drugs]

Does anyone have any spells or advice for helping with nicotine cravings? I’m getting to a point where I need to quit (going through a 10,000 hit vape in a week) and the last time I tried the withdrawals kept me from sleeping and made me cranky.

Any help is appreciated!


I need some help with this too but spells8 does have a spell for addiction using fennel up top if your interested.


I don’t have any practical advice for you. I quit smoking in 2013 and switched to a vape. I quit the vape in 2019 cold turkey because it was too expensive and I was using it way too much :sweat_smile: it was hard, but at that point, I didn’t have a choice.

The information @crystal59 shared is a good place to start. We also have some other spells collected here in the forum over the years that might help you!

I wish you the best of luck! :crossed_fingers: You can do it!


No advice, but I can see why with your hits on the vape you are going thru them fast. I quit smoking in 2014 with the help of vaping, I tried everything under the sun before that and nothing worked. My bestfriend introduced me to vaping and brought me my first mod and some juice, I gave it ago and gave up cigs, I did notice tho when I first started vaping I was on a 38 in menthol, that is all they had at the time, and the nicotine level was high. I eventually cut out the menthol and tobacco and went to a lower dose of nicotine, I am at a 12 nic now and only vape custards, that is doable for me, I have tried the 6 and 3 and I find I just vape it more.

Good luck I hope you find something to help you.


All I can say is good luck. I started smoking cigarettes at age 13 quit three four years ago but I picked up vape in its place. My suggestion is if you are using disposables or the sort to immediately start coming down on the mg of nicotine. The disposables have more nicotine than two packs of cigs.and that’s what I was using then realized how high the nicotine is. It will make u cranky to stop that high of a mg. Go to a vape shop. Asked the next step down in nicotine from a disposable. Next step down is salt niic. U can get a cheap device with replacable pods or whatever. Then buy the juice separately it’s cheaper that way too. Then keep going down in mg till ur in the normal nicotine range and out of salt nic.after salt nic mg go from 10mg, 8mg 6mg to 4mg then twomg and finally zero mg. Then withdraw won’t be as bad. I’m down to 2mg of nicotine. Just haven’t been able to fully quit. After u buy a device and juice this will save u a ton of money. Good luck


That’s really good advice I started smoking cigs at thirteen too it just looked so cool at the time and my best friend smoked this was when they actually kept the cigarettes out in the store and we use to steal them. I stopped smoking cigs two years ago and started vaping but I can tell the disposals salt nic are worse I started having trouble breathing so I quit smoking weed last year I actually sleep with my vape when I wake up first thing I do is hit it I’m definitely gonna decrease my nicotine mg and start trying harder.


Same :joy:

Same I’m guilty. Yeah salt nic depending on the mg can be lower than disposables. Then reg nic is lower than salt nic. Yeah I didn’t know about the disposables high doses tiill I asked someone at the store I frequent


Substitute with mint , gum , titacks my friends Grandma quit smoking cause she did the tictak trick


Tough habit to quit. I started smoking back in the 70s, as a kid and by the time I was an adult I was on 40 cigarettes a days and King Edward no8 cigars (Winston Churchill cigars). I quit finally by saying a prayer to any god that would listen, and finding a text, believe it or not in the bible that said, my body was a temple, don’t polute it. Here it is:
“…let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminated body and spirit, …”

I wrote it down and eventually memorized it. I threw the cigarettes away and yeah an hour later I’d be going through the bin trying to find them, :rofl: then I’d recite that text and tell myself, do I want this crap in my body (I used to get a hacking cough every winter), and I’d put the packet back in the bin. There were no vapes in my day, you just had to quit. It took probably 6 months before I no longer craved them. Not smoked since. @john1 tic taks good trick, I used extra strong mints.

Good luck and no matter how many times you fail, just keep trying again.

2 steps forward, 1 step back is still 1 step forward. :sparkling_heart::partying_face:


I quit 11/14/97, but only because I had walking pneumonia and was coughing up blood. When the pneumonia and the accompanying narcotics and antibiotics were done I decided the universe was sending me a sign and quit. Since that ware dark ages cold turkey was the only option I could afford. The physical nicotine withdrawal was mostly over by the time I the pneumonia was gone, but the physical hit was brutal to bread. I used altoids. I gained 10lbs because they aren’t sugar free. Then I did tic-tacs.

Side note…do you use nicotine in your ritual? I did, and always had. It was a gaping chasm years. I still feel it’s loss when working with some deities.

If you are a crystal person amethyst helps with addiction. Try to keep your brain and fingers busy, embroidery helped me. Good luck.


I do take a couple hits off my vape before I do rituals but I try to leave it out of the room so I’m not distracted by it when I’m working. But I can definitely feel a blockage when using it. I can’t focus as well and the craving is always nagging in the back of my mind during meditation. I’ve brought it down to a hit every hour or so, just to kind of wean myself off and not waste the vape I’ve spent money on. Used to be that I’d take a couple hits every 5 minutes. I still do at work, especially when there’s nothing to do but I’m about to stop leaving it in my pocket and put it away in my toolbox so it’s not easily accessible.

I’m gonna try the gum method and see if that helps because that’s how I quit last time. But once the waning phase of the moon is in effect I will definitely be doing some banishing spells. Hopefully me quitting will help my fiancé do the same. I just want that energy to help him heal too.


I quit years ago with a chant from a book called Chant-O-Matics by Raymond Buckland, which really helped me to quit. I also did hypnosis which came from a friend, later, and that was also successful and I didn’t gain any weight. However, a year or so later my mom died and I had to quit cold turkey as I started smoking again.

I suggest, if you do hypnosis, you go to a follow up visit, as the sessions don’t last past a certain time, which could cause you to smoke again.


Welcome to the coven @denise14


Thanks! BTW, I am still smoke free!


Merry meet @denise14 !

I’m Kat and I am an eclectic Green witch with an interest in tarot, runes, herbalism, and moon magic. We’re glad to have you here. :purple_heart: Make yourself comfortable, explore, and feel free to ask questions!


Hi i am sorry it is proving hard to quit. I too am a quitter on nicotine and i have successfully done it cold turkey. I will say though it is not easy and for about 3 months after i was craving my vape especially after i eat and times of stress…
I don’t know any home recipes or any spells that may help (however there are spells for assisting addiction out there i will say), but the best advice i can give is have you tried something like Nicorette? If going cold turkey is not going to work this may… Hope i was of some usefulness :blush:


For anyone who may currently be struggling with quitting or may need support in the future:

Quitting nicotine is so HARD. I was a smoker for 20 years then I vaped for 6 years. I finally quit vaping a couple months ago. I asked my primary doctor for a prescription for nicotine patches so my insurance covered them and I paid nothing. Then I went down to the next lower dose of nicotine then a lower dose then finally stopped the patches. I had very minimal withdrawal symptoms. I would not have been able to quit vaping had I not had the patches.

There are also tons of Nicotine Anonymous online meetings for support. You can get support from a therapist. My state even has free support and quit coaches and an app. Search your state + free quit vaping/smoking help.

You MUST find ways to change your daily habits and routine. Chew gum, brush your teeth right after eating, drink tons of water, go for a walk as a distraction etc. Remind yourself that you have more strength inside than you know and you can do it.