Okay so I am a bit late here, but I took the quiz too! And, this is the result!
Your energy is 93% feminine
This means that you also have 7% masculine energy.
You are an emotional being, not afraid to show how you feel and not afraid to share it with others either. You act in the pursuit of experiencing joy rather than an outcome or a goal.
You seek self-mastery but are more likely to sacrifice for the greater good. You are the like the loving mother; caring, compassionate and showing a sense of genuine empathy.
You are both cooperative and creative in the things that you do and define your success by the relationships you form. You are a gentle, sensitive being who makes decisions based on intuition. You are focused on the emotional world and the inner being. You think with your heart over logic and reason.
Oh my god, I guess we are together in this my dear @Shadeweaver and @CelestiaMoon What a lovely quiz my friend Alan! Blessed Be hun!
Hahaha! Ohhh, trust me honey, I keep asking this to myself, everytime I see our similarities! I guess…we really are soul friends or soul sisters my love @CelestiaMoon!
Hello had to be mindful of what I wanted to be like or what I actually did. The one that talked about sharing or listening in a group- I really want to learn to share mindfully not excitedly. So… maybe still feminine . I honestly thought I would show more masculine than feminine as I am the ‘guy’ in my relationship in many ways (my husband would not like to hear that though).
What a neat quiz! Thank you for sharing! I got an 80/20. 80% feminine and 20% masculine. Checks out - I’ve been realizing that I need to draw more on the masculine energies and this just confirms that
I love these things. I scored 100% feminine. Venus is really strong in my chart. This kind of information helps me because I can think about exploring more masculine energy, perhaps through my craft. Similarly, I suppose, the way I work with fire and I don’t have hardly any fire in my chart. But I’m drawn to its difference.