This weeks challenge inspired me to try my hand at making my first personality quiz. I have made one that tries to determine your dominant energy i.e masculine or feminine.
Its by no means perfect and I am still working on the descriptions at the end but I thought it might be a bit of fun for us
F M F seems I’m more feminine than masculine. Since I retired 8 years ago, I just don’t have the drive and adversarial energies I once did. The rat race has the tendencies to bring the masculine to the fore front.
Your energy is 93% feminine
This means that you also have 7% masculine energy.
You are an emotional being, not afraid to show how you feel and not afraid to share it with others either. You act in the pursuit of experiencing joy rather than an outcome or a goal.
You seek self-mastery but are more likely to sacrifice for the greater good. You are the like the loving mother; caring, compassionate and showing a sense of genuine empathy.
You are both cooperative and creative in the things that you do and define your success by the relationships you form. You are a gentle, sensitive being who makes decisions based on intuition. You are focused on the emotional world and the inner being. You think with your heart over logic and reason.
Yay, another fun quiz, I love these!
And you know I love the percentages, I appreciate the extra effort for that!
My energy according to the quiz is 93% feminine, 7% masculine
Math says I answered one question in a masculine way, I’m pretty sure that was the wanting appreciation over reassurance one. That’s a fun one, it feels connected to strengthening my genuine expression and thus my throat chakra, which is usually viewed as a masculine one.
Instead of worrying if I’m doing it right, I’m starting to adopt a view that there are no wrong answers in life, just some detours sometimes. (If I hurt someone with my actions, that’s obviously a different thing.) My way is my way… if someone says it’s wrong, that just tells that it doesn’t work for them.
If I’m being showered with appreciation and admiration though, I know I’ve made someone happy and we’re in sync in some way that we can possibly build on
Almost a full house for feminine energy there! I am glad you enjoyed it. Its the first ive made something like this but pleased with worked out. Im mostly feminine energy too but almost balanced…
I think this is a great quiz, @Cosmic_Curiosity And this one told me that I have more feminine energy than masculine so that’s 2-2 and I’m guessing I’m just balanced now
I really enjoyed the questions- you did a great job at writing all options in positive ways, and a few times it wasn’t immediately obvious which answer was which (masculine/feminine)- I really had to stop and think them through, which is very much appreciated in a quiz!