Ritual for a passed loved one

Hi everyone,

Does anyone have an idea for a ritual to honoir a passed loved one. I have recently lost my younger brother and would like something to honour him.

Blessed be



I’m so sorry for your loss @Cosmic_Curiosity. :people_hugging: I’m searching because we do have some things for grief & loss.

→ Grief & Loss Spell Jar
→ Farewell Ritual
→ Wiccan Prayer for the Departed

If I can think of any others, I will let you know. :people_hugging: I know for me that writing a letter to the person from your heart & incorporating it into any spells or rituals for the grief & loss has been very helpful.


I love what @Susurrus shared already :heart: I think it might be a good idea to create an ancestor altar, too. There, you can leave a picture of your brother, and some of his favorite things, and give him space in your home for offerings and love.


Ooohhh… yes… an ancestor altar. I have 1 too. I have passed family, friends, & fur babies there. I do have to give it a good cleansing along with my other 1, but it has definitely helped me.


On Samhain, I like to book a session with a psychic, it’s a nice opportunity to catch up with our loved ones beyond the veil. And the connection is very strong during that time. :sparkling_heart:


I’m sorry for your loss Alan. Six years ago today I lost my mother. I have a permanent ancestor altar in my dining room on an old buffet that was my mother’s. Today my husband brought me flowers for my mom to place on the altar. I have photos of my loved ones and things that belonged to them. I have my grandmother’s wallet, a silly ink pen that my best friend gave me before she passed, and my grandfather’s bible. I also have my father in laws flag and mother in laws ashes on the altar. I light candles for them and every week put a fresh cup of water for them. It helps me connect to them and the wonderful memories I have of them.


Hi Alan,

I am sure this is a very tough time for you and the family. I think finding a meaningful ritual is a really wonderful way to honor your brother’s memory :pray::candle:

I second what others have said about making an altar- it can be as elaborate or as small as feels right to you. When I was in Asia I was always fascinated by the small shrines and altars people keep in their homes to various deities or to departed family members. They can be quite subtle and made very personal to the person you are honoring. Having a little place for them makes it feel like they are still there in a comfortable and positive way.

If you find yourself with the energy and time to make a trip to a large body of water, I’ll tell you that here on the coast I occasionally see trinkets and pieces of “rituals” left by people going through mourning. I saw a beautiful rock left on a part of the coast most people don’t walk out to- there was a message written saying farewell from someone who lost their mother. People of all religions and spiritualities find peace by sharing their sadness with the sea and letting the waves carry their messages away :ocean:

Whatever you choose to do, I hope you find something that feels right and brings you peace. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts :candle:

Much love and many blessings :sparkles:


I thank you all for your wonderful suggestions. I am still very raw at the moment and havent quite managed to do anything yet in terms of a ritual. To be honest, it hurts too much. I also havent been taking part in the weekly challenges for the same reason.

I will get round to it, perhaps after the funeral next week and it is time to begin rebuilding but i just wanted to acknoweldge the advice given from you all. Its much appreciated.

Blessed be



Take all the time you need, @Cosmic_Curiosity :people_hugging: This isn’t an easy thing you’re going through, and everyone processes grief in a different way. We’re here for you when you need us :heart:


@Cosmic_Curiosity May Spirit grant you peace and time to heal. Sending love :sparkling_heart:


Absolutely take the time you need. When you’re ready we will be here :people_hugging: Sending you love & healing.


Everyone else is right on- you’re handling a lot of emotions at the moment, Alan, and it’s completely natural to need time to process after such a loss. Take any and all the time you need on your journey of healing :people_hugging: :heart:

We are here with open arms whenever you wish to come by- the Coven is here for you. Sending hugs, light, and love your way :two_hearts:


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