Runes Of Odin

@starborn From what I understand, and I can’t share the video from the teaching as it’s members only which is a shame. :person_shrugging: It’s to learn to reflect the spirit of nature, nature has a storm, and trees get damaged (it has a bad day), nature doesn’t *stress * over it, dwell on it, compare it to yesterday, last year, blame the rain or tell itself it was wicked. It just has the storm, and the trees just got damaged. Nature experiences a beautiful day, it enjoys it, but it doesn’t start developing opinions on why it’s having a beautiful day, it just enjoys the beautiful day. (So you can enjoy your drink :grin:)

The purpose of the exercise is first, to stop using our time and energy judging other people, judging ourselves, then the second exercise is to stop formulating opinions onto why is the world like this, why did they do that, they should do this, they should do that. It’s a form of detox, to just experience our life and the people we meet, see, read about, the way nature experiences it’s life. Just, experience it, so that we can let our minds and feelings be free, and rest. Then at the end of the month, how do we feel. I think I explained it right. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ohhh, I see. I get it. :smile: So it’s not about pushing away any opinion on anything, even the positive ones. But rather, simply being in the moments without overthinking anything.

In that case, I shall join you on this journey as much as I can. I think I will have to over analyse at work as that’s part of my job (to ensure that we make the things that align with the product brief now and not have to redo it all later), but outside of that, it’s achievable. :black_heart:


@starborn Maybe we can compare notes, at the end. See if it relieved stress or added to it :grin:




Make Your Own Set of Runes


Ugh… I’ve failed already. Between analysing things during work meetings, then for a strata committee meeting after work… Nope. I judged all the things, gave all the reasonings, and blew this task to smithereens. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Nope, not failed, jobs don’t count cuz it’s your job. :grin: I’ve removed my newspaper app for the month otherwise I’ll start having an opinion on the state of the world :rofl:. We can do this. :green_heart:


That’s a bit of a relief. :smile:

I have the weirdest relationship with the internet and news and stuff… I haven’t watched normal TV broadcasting in about 15 years. I haven’t read any news-related stuff in years either, but I always know what’s going on in the world. It’s so weird. I can’t really explain it other than perhaps leeching knowledge off my partner, who tries to keep up to date with things. But they don’t tell me much because they know the state of the world bothers me. :laughing:

I also don’t “browse” the internet either. I only look up specific things. I never go anywhere just to see what there is, aside from this forum. So, I think I come across as very sheltered in that respect. But at the same time, I’m so curious about things that I’m looking up those specific things to learn every day. Maybe it balances out. I’m not sure. I just know that I’m seen as very weird by modern standards. :sweat_smile:

Oh well, that’s a thought to put on hold for another time. I can journal away about it when the week is over. :grin:



The one month ritual is going well. I’ve had a few meltdowns due to watching the news, then remembered to not be opinionated on it, and switched it off. :rofl: It’s interesting how not having expressions on why this, why that has given me a calmer month, so when I did put the news on, it hit me. Is this good or bad I don’t know yet, but obviously being exposed to all this stuff must desensitize me, and staying away, my feelings are more intune with how they should be. More aware, more concerned. Is that what Odin is teaching here? That if we become so engrossed in having an opinion on everything and everyone we end up loosing our sensitivity to others situations? :thinking: Still going threw this ritual with :laukaz: , but it’s been very healing to me. :grin:


Yayyy! I’m so glad it’s helping you! I’m a true believer in if we aren’t stressing about everything around us we are more in tune with ourselves. :purple_heart::purple_heart::people_hugging::people_hugging:. Love ya girl!


Love you too :people_hugging:


I personally feel like it’s the opposite. I think that knowing the backstory helps people understand where they’re each coming from and have more sympathy for each other. :smile:

I don’t think that exposure is making you desensitised in a way that’s harmful – it’s probably a good thing. I mean, when someone you know is struggling, do you want to break down with them to show how much you care? Or do you want to be the rock that keeps them steady? The latter is the more objectively helpful person, and even though the former might seem superficially good, it’s very self-serving. You can be a caring person without feeling the suffering of others personally. :people_hugging:

A more extreme example is that when someone gets severely injured, do we want to panic at the sight of the injury and its consequences, or do we want to get straight down to the business of fixing it? That requires some degree of desensitisation. I have some contrasting examples:

:warning: Content warning: tales of accidents that result in injuries.

  • When I was working with someone in a warehouse, the man I was working with accidentally cut himself on the wrist with a box cutter. He didn’t nick a vein – there wasn’t even flowing blood – but the location and the fact that it was a cut sent him into a panic. I sat him down, told him to keep pressure on it (for the sake of his anxiety), and we dealt with it.
  • When I recently cut my thumb, it did nick a vein, and I was splurting blood all over the place. My partner and I got up and focused on cleaning the wound and stopping the bleeding. We did such a good job on the serious cut that it healed quicker and without scarring, while a nearby scratch is still healing and might even scar. :laughing:

Anyway, while those are very physical examples, you can also imagine how being composed during serious emotional situations can be more helpful than the alternative.

On a side note, I don’t think we can take everyone at their word or assume that they’re rational actors and that what they’re doing at any moment in time is always the right thing. This leads us to either allow harmful people into our lives or make us incapable of helping people when they need it but don’t ask for it. People don’t deserve to suffer just because they don’t ask for help. But why is this relevant, one might ask? Because our ability to question why things are a certain way helps us figure these things out. :smile:

Also tangentially related… When we’ve explained economics and politics to people, more knowledge about “why” helped change their views from finding everything to be “frustrating” and “stupid” or from seeing “this is evil” and “that is good” to understanding why people can seem to do these “evil” or “crazy” things. :grimacing:

Spoiler alert: The people being scrutinised tend to be following different incentives, and it’s common for people not to realise this. Instead, they project their own thinking onto them.

So, superficially, I can see why it would make sense to back off from having an opinion at all because there is the risk of having an uninformed opinion. But that means that we never break through that barrier of uninformed opinions on the way to informed opinions. That’s why talk is so valuable: talk allows us to express the things that we think that turn out to be wrong, which lets those opinions be challenged and ultimately changed. (Or perhaps we help others change theirs.) It’s a very collaborative thing. :black_heart:

By not having opinions, we protect ourselves from ever being wrong, challenged, or called out, and therefore feeling the shame and other negative feelings that come with that. But we also protect ourselves from the growth that allows us to overcome the struggles and challenges in life. Nothing ever worth doing came easily, and thinking that we can grow without growing pain has become the hallmark of the trend of toxic positivity.

It’s kind of like how I’ve recently said on that thread about trying to forget something: the person can superficially forget, but that doesn’t mean the knowledge or event won’t still affect their lives going forward. Instead, it just makes it harder to later diagnose and deal with. So, in the end, I think it’s ignorance that makes the world more frustrating, and the best one can do is try to ignore it, but then they just become more sheltered (because they aren’t exposed to new ideas), closed off and rigid in their thinking (because they aren’t challenged), and stagnant (because the lack of challenge stunts growth).

Another analogy might be that when you joined and started working with Loki, you saw that it was knowledge that set you free from your fears rather than trying to push them away and not think about them, right? :partying_face:

Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. At the end of the day, it’s just my opinion. :laughing: But I appreciate being able to have the discussion because even if no one ever reads what I ramble about, I help myself by working through my own beliefs, discarding what doesn’t make sense and better understanding what does. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@starborn It’s not a wall of text, it’s fabulous and I enjoy reading your views. :grin:


Just come in from sitting under my Willow, what started out beautiful ended in the mozzies trying to steal my wine :rofl:

@starborn It was lovely and interesting reading your views, I don’t disagree with any of the points raised. I think what I found interesting in journalling my experience with this exercise and the rune, is the mental and emotional benefit of disconnecting from the manmade world around us, and just being, like a tree, like the wind, just being. My mind has been so at rest and not whirring like it used to. I’m not sure whether it’s healthy to disconnect on a permanent basis, I’d become a hermit :rofl:, but I have definitely benefitted from stepping out of the noise of the world. Only trouble is, when I step back in, which I will be next week to see what new rune Odin has for me, I may need sound cancelling headphones :rofl::green_heart:


Good point. :smile: It is nice to take a break and get back in touch with ourselves. I feel like that’s what I’ve been doing, too.

I probably am more disconnected from the noise of the world than I realise. There were some things I didn’t really get into in my last post, but I did talk about them with my partner when I shared our posts with them. :sweat_smile: For example, the news is intentionally stressful, and we can’t rely on it to be truthful, so avoiding it isn’t bad – it can even be beneficial. And since I haven’t bothered with it for so long, I didn’t really consider such things when saying what I did.

Hopefully, the things I missed didn’t make what I said seem black and white. :thinking:


You haven’t missed anything. I get more news from my local shop than I ever get from the TV/press :person_shrugging:.

I hope it’s been good to share these together, it can be healing when sharing with a supportive partner, even if we don’t get answers or solutions :green_heart:

I’ve enjoyed the months break. Back to reality now :rofl:


@starborn and @tracyS I haven’t watched the news in 5 years! I don’t read newspapers, or listen to news on the radio. I found that I haven’t needed it to be happy in life. :grin:


@Mystique Wow, save yourself alot of anxiety. I think after this exercise, I’m not going back to the news either. :green_heart:


And sometimes we’re already so much on the same page that it’s just like, “Oh, that’s nice.” :laughing: