Salt for protection

Salt is salt, right? Does it matter if I use Morton’s Iodized table salt or Himalayan pink sea salt or even Epsom salt (which is magnesium chloride vs sodium chloride) for my protection circle?


Refined salt or table salt

Although it is the easiest type of salt to find, it is the least recommended due to the industrial processes that it goes through, causing it to lose most of the minerals found in salt. Also, other components, such as aluminum hydroxide, are added to preserve its texture.

Written by - Francisco Huanaco

Welcome to the forum @tracy11 my names CrystaI a Bruja from Va feel free to make yourself at home and I hope this helps. :revolving_hearts: :infinite_roots:


So a purer form of salt, like Himalayan pink sea salt, is better? Do you know anything about Epsom salt? I ask because it is kinder to the earth and I might prefer it for outdoor rituals.


I don’t see why Epsom salt couldn’t be used for outside rituals Historical cunning folk did not necessarily have all these fancy gadgets,salts, crystals, etc on hand and typically relied on what they had immediately on hand as well as what they could gather from outside in their immediate landscape so I think it would be all right.


Thank you for your information and support! :two_hearts:


Of course @tracy11 anytime :grin::two_hearts:


I don’t think it matters. I could not find seat salt when I went I got regular and it works the same it’s all in your intentions. Whether it’s pink white refined not refined. All does the job


You’ve got some fabulous information lovely. Just wanted to add, you can do magic without any ingredients at all. The ingredients help us focus, but many a time, it’s just been me and Loki. You are the magic, a deity can add to you and help you. :sparkling_heart:


First off welcome to the forum @tracy11 !

Personally, I don’t think it matters what type of salt you use for a spell, unless you are looking for a specific aspect of the salt to be used in the spell. However, I believe intentions are very important in spellwork - if you want to use a special salt to enhance a spell, go ahead and do so!

There are lots to choose from


Hi, @tracy11! You got some great answers already! I just wanted to welcome you to the forum! :infinite_roots:


@tracy11 my thoughts are it doesn’t matter. I think it’s about intentions and preference. I’ve used table salt because that’s all I had. I’ve also made black salt with it. I just used incense ash to make it black.


Hi @tracy11,

Welcome! :heart:

Great question, and I see you’ve already got some great answers from the coven! I personally try to use the purest salt I can get my hands on, usually sea salt, because to me it feels fresher and cleaner when it’s natural. But the actual power is less about the salt itself and more about how the caster feels about it (like Devenne said above - your intention and emotions play a huge role in your spellwork!)

At the end of the day, if you have a salt that feels appropriate for your spell, I’d say give it a go! :blush:

Blessed spellwork :sparkles:


For me, salt is salt :woman_shrugging: Epsom salt isn’t salt, though, not in my witchcraft practice. I don’t personally have protective qualities with Epsom salts, but if you feel that they’re protective and it works for you then do that.


Everything I know about salt I learned from spells 8 that’s where the information above about refined salt /table salt came from but I always love reading other people’s perspectives especially @MeganB it reminds me that just because I learned it on spells 8 doesn’t mean it’s the only way because we each have our own practice and its all about Intention which is the most important thing. I’m blessed to be able to learn from so many incredible witches from all over the globe. :blush::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:


Table salt, Sea salt, and Epsom salts differ in their composition. While table salt contains only sodium chloride, sea salt contains sodium chloride and other trace minerals. Epsom salt contains magnesium and sulfate. Of the three, only Epsom salt is used to relieve pain. :+1:

By Blake Rodgers


Welcome to the community @tracy11!
I am Celine, I am an eclectic witch from Portland Oregon.
I was told by a pranic healer once that regular salt is more purifying and protective and cleansing than epson salt.

I usually see what i am feeling drawn towards in the day. Sometimes I use sea salt and sometimes epson salt. And then sometimes I mix both.

I just did a little bit of research on Reddit and I found this post Reddit post
They are talking about them being crystals and different types of salt have different properties… @ I also agree with @crystal59 @Satans_Helper @tracy @BryWisteria and @MeganB . We work with what we have… and intentions are :key:


Awesome post @celineelise! :grin::two_hearts: :witch_pentacle:


This is one of the better ways to learn! The experiences of other people can be invaluable - it’s one way I still learn, too.

Speaking of learning, I just learned that Epsom salt can be good for plants! I was concerned about how it might affect grass if used in a circle outside. Table salt and sea salt are detrimental to growing things, but Epsom Salt is not!

It is touted as a safe, natural product that can be used to increase everything from seed germination, nutrient absorption, growth, and general health of lawns and plants.

Epsom Salt Lawn Fertilizer - What Does Epsom Salt Do For Grass | Gardening Know How


Exactly! That is why I was interested in using Epsom Salt rather than the others. I believe the intention is the key so using Epsom salt and caring for the Earth are pretty positive in the intentions.