Samhain Card Spread 🎃

I used the spread mentioned by @Missa in this post:

#1) What I’m harvesting now from the energy of the past year?
I got the world card- I encountered great unity (I believe it’s from Spells8 :smiling_face:)

#2) What seeds should I sow from now until Imbolc?
Knight of swords- defending beliefs

#3) What should I release into the darkness?
Empress (R)- insecurity

#4) Tips to navigate thin spaces and walking between worlds as a light worker?
10 of cups- a state of comfort which makes me feel as if I’m in paradise.

#5) Future influences coming in at this time of the turning of the wheel?
6 of swords- despite sadness, I need to remember that moving on is ideal for my future.

#6) A special message from my ancestors and guides on what I need most now?
Ace of cups- spirituality, intuition, emotional awakening. The release can be emotional or spiritual, depending on what I’m going through.


I envy you your brevity, whenever I do a spread I end up with pages of notes! LOL!


I use Labyrinthos and he/they (idk) make it so easy to understand.


OOOh, thank you! I’ll have to check that out!