Seasons of the Witch - Samhain Oracle Cards

I am learning how to use oracle cards and been using the Seasons of the Witch Samhain version. Each night I shuffle the deck and pull out a card, and for three nights this past week-I got the rooted card. The card says, “may you never tear the living ritual that is magic merged within the roots of our being, the soil of your soul.”


Welcome, @tammy5! :blush:

Ohhhh these cards are very pretty!

An empowering message :pray: Thank you for sharing it, Tammy- may you continue to enjoy your oracle work!

Blessed be!


Hi :wave: @tammy5 welcome to the forum & Spells8 :infinite_roots: I’m Susurrus a moderator here at Spells8 :blush:

I love :heart: these cards! Thank you for sharing! :revolving_hearts:

Hmmm, 3 nights in a row… Maybe it is something to remind you to ground yourself regularly :thinking: Or that grounding would be beneficial for you in some way related to yourself, family, ancestors, practice, who you are & where you came from?

Maybe a meditation :woman_in_lotus_position: would be helpful! :heartpulse:


I used to use these cards, my set came with a book that had a detailed description of the card and spell work you could do with the card. They are gorgeous cards. :sparkling_heart:


Hi, @tammy5! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

Maybe you need to work on balancing your root chakra. Not too sure here, but that’s a beautiful card.


Hello :hugs: and welcome home :infinite_roots: @tammy5
I’m so glad you have joined us. The Seasons of the Witch cards are on my wishlist!
With love :heart: always