Seeking Guidance 🌟 Your Insights Welcome!

:prayer_beads: Hello to all! I’m seeking help and guidance on creating a way to generate passive income. :money_with_wings: I’m an affiliate for a book-selling company but haven’t had much success. (could be I’m just clueless as to how to promote :joy:) :bulb: :four_leaf_clover: Ultimately, I would love to have my own Magical website :magic_wand: :people_hugging: to assist others. As a newcomer without all the necessary tools, I’m not sure where to begin. :seedling: Any advice or ideas on passive income are welcome and greatly appreciated! :pray: Thank you all in advance for reading my post and for your loving support!
:sunny: :butterfly: :sunflower:


Passive income is something that’s really difficult to get started with. You have to have a following and be capable of getting traffic to your social media platforms or website. I’m an affiliate for Amazon and, but I mainly use those for when I review books I enjoy. I use my affiliate link as the link where people can buy the book if they want.

You said you’re already an affiliate for a book-selling company. You can start there! Create a blog and start reviewing books! You can even share lists of new books that may interest your readers. You’ll probably want to have or start a social media account to promote your site or blog.

A lot of people think earning passive income is really easy. In truth, getting started with it can be pretty tedious and time-consuming. Passive income is only passive once you get established. Even then, there’s still work you have to do.

I know this probably wasn’t entirely what you wanted to hear :sweat_smile: but from one online entrepreneur to another, it’s better to be honest!


@MeganB Thank you so much! I completely agree. You’re right; it certainly can be very time-consuming. I appreciate your input and the idea of leaving more book reviews. I sometimes forget to do so. Thank you again for your input. I truly appreciate it!

Much love sent your way!
:revolving_hearts: :blush:


You’re welcome! :heart: It can be a tough thing to get started, but if you’re dedicated and put the work in, I’ve heard it can be very successful! I wish you all the luck - and if you ever get that blog started and share book reviews, please let us know!


Hi @kristen4,

I’ve looked into passive income a few times over the years and every time I do I end up seeing exactly what Megan said- most sources of passive income aren’t actually all that passive, most especially when you’re trying to set them up. I haven’t had any luck yet- so I’ll be watching along this thread and soaking up everyone’s words of wisdom too! :handshake: :blush: :heart:

That’s an awesome goal to have, Kristen! :grinning: :heart: Definitely take Megan’s advice, as she has her own magickal site and shop set up that are amazing. There are numerous other talented businessfolk around the forum too (forgive me, I can’t possibly tag everyone here- but many are listed in the Coven Member Shops- feel free to take a look for inspiration!) so it definitely can be done :+1:

A shop probably wouldn’t be very passive to manage, though- but a blog or review site would become mostly passive once you set up enough content :books:

Wishing you all the best and cheering for you, Kristen- keep us updated on your progress! You can make this dream of yours a reality :star2: :blush:


@MeganB Thank you! I saw your darling shop, and love your creative work. :yarn: :blush: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ll support you one day soon. Thank you for all your great advice, and I will keep you posted. :white_flower:

Much love and great big hugs your way! :people_hugging: :sunny:


@BryWisteria :cherry_blossom: I agree, it’s a great idea that requires patience and a lot of time. Setting up can be time-consuming, as you mentioned. Yes, there are many talented members with beautiful shops that i noticed when I scrolled through a few days back. I’ll keep you posted. Thank you again for your time and help; much appreciated! :sparkling_heart: :sunny: :butterfly:

Much love and hugs!


You’re welcome, Kristen :heart: And yay! Please do keep us posted, I’m cheering for you :partying_face: :heart:

Blessed be!


Aww, thank you very much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I wish I had more time to dedicate to my crochet, but I do have several things I’m working on to add when I have time. I just appreciate you taking the time to look!


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