Sharing AI Content in the Forum - A Forum How-To Guide

Merry meet!

The Spells8 Forum is a special space for magick-lovers to discuss their studies, explore spellwork, and share their practices with fellow witches. As such, it’s a place where a lot of content is created and shared :sparkles:

While users are ultimately responsible for the things they choose to share here, the forum has guidelines in place to help keep the space and the community here safe. If you haven’t yet read through the Forum Guidelines, please take a moment to do so!

Forum Guidelines

In the name of keeping things clear and transparent for all users, the Spells8 Forum Mod Team tries to create little mini guides and spotlight features to help explore various parts of the Forum Guidelines.

Today’s spotlight is about sharing AI content in the forum.

What is “AI Content”?

Here in the forum we define artistic and written AI content as follows:

How do we handle AI Content in the forum?

Why is it important to label your AI Content?

Thank you very much for helping us to keep the forum a fun and safe place to be! By sharing content mindfully, you help make it possible for witches now and in the future to use and enjoy the many wonderful resources here :heart:

As always, if you have any questions about sharing content with your coven community, please feel free to ask in the comments below. You can also send a private message to @moderators.

Blessed be! :sparkles:

More forum guides:


Thank you for this guide. Especially since AI content is a tricky situation across all areas and fields. And the easiest way to tackle anything confusing is with transparency. :smile: :black_heart:


Well said! :grinning: And I agree, AI is a pretty tricky topic right now - I hope that, for those hoping to share their AI creations with their coven, this guide will help shine a light on how to do so.

Thank you, Katerina! :heart: :hugs:


Hello, friends :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

There are plenty of new members to the coven lately and I felt it was time to give this a little bump!