Sharing my late night findings

A beautiful read, @Rowan! Gaia is a fascinating deity and presence and I enjoy learning more about her and her many forms :earth_africa::two_hearts: Thanks for sharing!

I had never seen an egg-cleansing spell, @walter- that is something new and fascinating! Perhaps after learning about the Magick of Double-Yolked Eggs before, this is something I could look more into :fried_egg::grin:

And oohhh! It’s early morning here now, but if we’re sharing our late-night knowledge hunts, last night I found myself looking into Alnick Garden, aka The Posion Garden in England: :herb::skull_and_crossbones:

Still not sure how I got to this video, but perhaps it was influenced by Halloween coming up or the discussion about visiting witchy places around the world :laughing:

I certainly won’t be using any of these plants, but they are interesting for an herbalist to learn about! :open_book: