Spell for a toothache

Hi! I have a terrible toothache, can anyone share some advice or wisdom with me to help ease or stop the pain?


Chewing on whole cloves help, I’ve heard.


Ok Thank You!


You’re welcome! I hope it helps.


Yes! Cloves are wonderful!!


I do a lot of essential oils. You can use clove oil with coconut oil and either dab it on the tooth or swish and spit.


Greetings @Jennifer573,

Oh no- I’m so sorry to hear about the toothache! Tooth pain is the worst- I hope you get it healed asap :pray:

  • I agree with Amethyst, Ailey and Jondry about cloves (although I haven’t tested it for myself yet). Cloves seem to be commonly referenced for treating tooth pain!

  • @Garnet shared a list of Natural Home Remedies for Toothaches that might have some suggestions you could try.

  • I was reading up on Nettles just the other day and one source mentioned using nettles as a possible treatment for toothache. I can’t seem to find where I read that, but I did find a similar article by RDH Magazine about Ancient Remedies for Dental Pain that mentions nettle (specifically nettle root)

As a bit of side note, I went to the dentist last year for awful tooth pain that started up when the cold weather arrived. I was sure it was a tooth issue, but it turned out to just be that my gums were really sensitive to the changing temperature. She got me a sensitive toothpaste and a follow-up sensitive tooth medicine to use once a week- the pain went away almost instantly.

I’m certainly no dentist and I can’t say whether or not your situation is similar, but it might be something to check on- your denist should be able to tell whether it’s a tooth issue or a sensitivity problem! :tooth:

Good luck and blessed be! :heart:


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