Spell to Protect The Home

If you’re looking for a witchcraft spell to protect your home, you’ve come to the right place. There are a few different spells you can use, depending on what you’re looking for.

If you want to keep negative energy away from your home, you can try this spell. You’ll need a black candle, some frankincense oil, and a bowl of water. Begin by dressing the candle with the oil, and then place it in the bowl of water.

Say the following words:

"With this water and this candle, I cleanse my home of all negativity.
All negative energy is now gone, and only positivity remain. So mote it be."

Next, light the candle and let it burn out on its own. As it does, imagine all the negative energy being drawn out of your home and into the water. When the candle is finished, dispose of the water outside.

Thank Mother Earth for recieving.

If you want to create a protective barrier around your home, this spell is for you. You’ll need a white candle, some sea salt, and a bowl of water. Begin by dressing the candle with the salt, and then place it in the bowl of water.

Say the following words:

"With this water and this salt, I create a barrier of protection.
Nothing negative can cross this line, and my home is now safe and secure. So mote it be."

Next, light the candle and let it burn out on its own. As it does, imagine a bright white light surrounding your home, creating a protective barrier. When the candle is finished, dispose of the water outside.

Thank Mother Earth for recieving.

No matter what spell you choose, the important thing is to believe in its power. If you do, it will be sure to work.:smiley:

Notes: place enough water in the bowl to cover the bottom - unless you have a floating candle, then feel free to use more water.


This is lovely! Thank you for sharing this. It seems like something that many need right now. :black_heart:


Wonderful spell, @SilverBear :heart: Thank you!


Thank you @SilverBear :hugs: I was just thinking I need to do some cleansing & protecting of my home too! :revolving_hearts:


Thank you! Perfect timing for me!


Thank you for sharing the spells @SilverBear! This is the perfect time of the year for this :hugs: