Spells for luck, change etc

Good evening all :slight_smile:

Can anyone offer me some advice for spells to help with luck, job searching, mental health and all that jazz? I got let go from my job on Friday, a job I absolutely loved. I have had some bad luck recently with my mental health after my grandad died. I made mistakes and they decided I wasn’t a good fit.

I am utterly heartbroken, I need some good vibes.


Hi @Nyxie_Rose! We have a section on Spells8 for Luck Spells:

What type of change are looking for? Renewal? Finances? Career? Relationship? Family?

That will help with any other spells we may have available too :smiling_face:


Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that. Good vibes coming your way. Meanwhile, maybe one of these spells will help you.


Oh no!

I wpuld think that some maybe like cleanses:

& possibly some other self care & self love :heart: would help too, so you’re feeling better & can be more grounded & focused.

I’m going to add some Money Spells. Hopefully to draw in new opportunities for it to come your way in the meantime.


I’m sorry to hear that you are having a tough time. Losing a love one can be very difficult, and an unsupportive workplace that let you go makes it harder. I hope that you are being kind to yourself during this time. The spells above are great recommendations, but I would also make sure to lean on support systems such as friends, family, and therapy. I will keep you in my thoughts and I hope that you will start to feel better soon.


Hello @Nyxie_Rose,

I’m so sorry to hear about your job- sending big hugs and positive energy your way :people_hugging: :heart:

I can see that Siofra, Amethyst, and Charlotte shared some great spells, advice, and suggestions! There are some really good resources above for job spellwork, luck, etc. If I can add in one more thing, I’d love to recommend one of my favorite meditations for when I’m feeling down.

Here it is:

I’m sending lots of love and light your way and I pray that something even better than your previous job is on the horizon for you :pray::heart:

Blessed be! :sparkles::candle:


Oh no, I’m so sorry for your loss :people_hugging: :heart: both physically with your loved one and also with your job. I don’t have much else to add that others haven’t already said, but we can add you to the Energy Exchange Circle :hugs: January 2023 so others can send you their good vibes, prayers, and work magic on your behalf if you’d like!


Hey, thanks :smiley:

I went a bit MIA as I was struggling with my mental health after losing my job but I am feeling a smidgen better and ready to practice again. I feel like I need spells to just sort my life out at this point haha.


You are very welcome. Going MIA to take care of yourself is not a problem at all! It’s better to do what is best for you whether in your practice or personal life & come back refreshed or at least feeling a bit better. :people_hugging:

One thing that has helped me with kind of sorting out at least my days is a mini schedule with kind of broad goals for each day. Then work with what you can or want to the rest of the time you have. I would try at least a ritual bath to kind of cleanse any negativity & possible stress… see how those go before moving on to more involved rituals or spells :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: