Spells or practices that can help with burnout

Greetings @Phoenix_Fire,

I’m so sorry to hear you’re dealing with burnout :people_hugging: It’s not fun, and it hits all of us at one point or another. I think that burnout manifests differently for different people, so my best advice to you is to keep trying different things- luckily, I can see you’ve already got some wonderful advice from the coven! :infinite_roots: :heart:

My usual go-to for burnout is with Self Love work to get some rest and have a good refresh :sparkles: Others have already shared some fantastic resources about this, though, so I’ll skip right to the other kind of spellwork I’d recommend, which is Motivational Spellwork.

Here’s a spell you might try:

Motivation and Creativity Come My Way Spell

Take it easy and be kind to yourself- burnout hits all of us at some point, but it really is just a bump in the road of the journey. Take good care of yourself and be well, Danni! :heart:

Many blessings!