Spells8 Book Club Reviews Masterlist - Sessions XXVI - L

The Path of the Witch by Lidia Pradas

This is a wonderful book for beginners. The book discusses different types of witches. It may help baby witches identify what classification of witch they may or may not be. I enjoyed reading the book. It was an easy read. I recommend reading The Path of the Witch by Lidia Pradas


Book Title and Author:
Capricorn Witch by Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Maria Wander

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 6/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?:
I mean Iā€™m a Capricorn, soā€¦

My personal thoughts/opinions:
This is a series from Llewellyn on each of the sun signs and witchcraft. I found Capricorn Witch to be ā€¦ ok. I wanted it to be more than what it was. I think the parts that I liked best were the correspondences to the sun sign. There were short additions from authors who are also Capricorns, which was a nice touch. But for me, I donā€™t know what I was expecting, but this was a little too light on the witchcraft and heavy on the astrology. But I bet someone more experienced in astrology would say itā€™s too light on astrology. A lot of the content seemed repetitive and somehow talking in circles to take up space. So I think itā€™s trying to be many things to many people and then became too generic, if that makes sense.

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Not really


Book Title and Author:
Everyday Witchcraft: Making Time for Spirit in a Too-Busy World
by Deborah Blake

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 9/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?:
I chose this book as I knew that this fall will bring on more side work for me in addition to my full time job, and I wanted to learn more how to integrate my practice in small ways even when Iā€™m stressed or donā€™t have a lot of time for me personally.

My personal thoughts/opinions:
Iā€™ve read other books by Deborah Blake and enjoy her style. She is too the point, funny, and written very simply. This is an easy to read book, not dense at all. But has great little ideas throughout it about integrating ritual and practice into things like housework, time outdoors, snuggles with your dog, etc. I appreciate all these ideas which you can take one or two that you like and try them out and see if you want to make them a part of your daily, weekly, or monthly routine. Now a warning, she is a Wiccan through and through, so if you arenā€™t there are parts that may bristle you - talk of the goddess, Wiccan rede, etc. But I was able to easily breeze over these and consume the content of the book. Her reading list and resources at the end are in the format of an annotated bibliography, which I love (meaning she has a short description of each book she lists, which gives me a great idea of whether I would like to go ahead and get the book or pass it over).

I also like this book because it helps me to integrate several parts of myself. Eg. the spiritual me with the professional me with the recreational me, etc. This allows me to integrate sometimes almost invisible (to others) short practices within my workday or as I wake up so that I donā€™t have to separate my spiritual side with my other sides.

All in all, would I recommend this book?:
Absolutely for a practitioner who is burnt out, or super busy, or wanting a light read with lots of ideas to put into practice. :heart_decoration: