šŸ“– Spells8 Book Club XXIX (Jun 23 - Jul 21)

Thanks, Megan! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Iā€™m feeling like I need that deadline for my book too this month :joy: :handshake:

Iā€™ve always struggled to put into words what itā€™s like to stay at a Buddhist Temple- I think this sums it up really really well! Itā€™s like a liminal place, but without the sense that something is off and without the push to try and move on. The schedule is extremely rigid and yet time doesnā€™t matter at all. Weird yet right at the same time.

10/10 would recommend a temple stay to anyone interested- definitely worth giving it a try, even just once in a lifetime! :grinning:

Books are very patient with us- thereā€™s no rush at all! It sounds like youā€™re having a great time in your class- hope it continues to go well and be fun for you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Iā€™m having a hard time gaining ground in my book- not because itā€™s a difficult read by any means, but because the author keeps talking about really interesting things. I stop, look something up, and go down a rabbit hole never to turn to the next page :joy:

The other day I was reading the section on distilling herbs from the garden and the author talked about finding an alembic in Turkey.

Naturally, I had to look up Turkish alembics, and where you can get one, and look at copper distillers on Amazon, and learn about copper vs. other metalsā€¦ and then it was time for bed :sweat_smile:

I think I need to lock up my phone before I sit down to read this book lol.

Hope everyone is enjoying their reading! :books: :blush:


@BryWisteria thank you! Iā€™m doing much better now & just adding things back 1 at a timeā€¦ The book thoughā€¦ I get like sucked in & the rest of the world could be exploding & Iā€™d never know :laughing: I can relate to the issue that youā€™re encountering too! I would be doing the same thing & land in multiple rabbit holes & that is another reason that it would take me so long to finish a good book too! :hugs:


This is what I would have to do, too :joy: but I need to lock myself in my room with everyone else, and my phone, on the outside so I can finish a book!


@Susurrus Gotta love a book that sucks you in and makes the time fly by! Sounds like itā€™s a really enjoyable read- I hope you keep on having fun with it, Siofra! :open_book: :blush:

@MeganB I think every house should come with a designated reading room for just that- lock out the world so we can focus on our books! :joy: :books:


Yes :joy: and lock out the constant ā€œMom, Mom, Mom!ā€ for just five minutes :sweat_smile:


Uh-oh! :joy:

Does your daughter like to read too? Maybe trying to read together would help you catch more reading breaks! :books: :grinning:


Ehhh not usually. Sheā€™s just not getting to where sheā€™ll read manga on her own because she wants to and not because Iā€™ve told her that reading is part of her homeschool lessons :joy: sheā€™s very much a ā€œI wanna read on my own timeā€ type of kid. Iā€™m sure eventually weā€™ll get to the point where she wants to read on her own, but weā€™re not quite there yet.

Yay! Congratulations!! :clap: :heart:


@Susurrus Well done. Thatā€™s fantastic and you enjoyed it too. I love the quote. So true. :sparkling_heart:


Thank you @MeganB & @tracyS :hugs: I was so proud of myself last night :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That quote really struck a cord & I think I probably re-read it about 4 times. When I went to do the review I instantly thought of that one :revolving_hearts:


Itā€™s a really good quote, one I even need to remember for myself!


Woohooo! Congrats on finishing the book, Siofra! And I can tell how much you enjoyed it- itā€™s clear that this one is one close to your heart :heart: :blush:

And Iā€™m with Tracy and Megan- that is an excellent :100: :ok_hand: quote about the value and the importance of change :pray:

Reading manga on her own sounds like a big step towards that goal! :blush: Sometimes itā€™s all a matter of having reading material youā€™re interested in in this moment (along with having the time and focus to read- so I empathize, it can truly be a challenge! :laughing:)

Wishing her all the best with her books- I hope she enjoys her manga! :books: :two_hearts:


Thank you, @BryWisteria :heart: Sheā€™s getting there! We are really focusing on finding what she likes right now rather than reading what kids her age (or other adults) think she should be reading. Thatā€™s the important part for us :revolving_hearts: Thanks for all the well wishes!


I need to do the same with my youngest.

All of my kids are similar to me where just because they have to read :closed_book: it for schoolā€¦ doesnā€™t mean it will be easy or in some cases happen. If they arenā€™t interested in itā€¦ they canā€™t sit to read it.

At some point for me it was a I canā€™t read it because I have toā€¦ It was weirdā€¦ but there were quite a few :books: that once I started I was sucked in.

So it was 50/50ā€¦ almostā€¦ I either was way ahead or way behind :laughing:


@jan_TheGreenWitch Oh I like short reads, and magical worldā€™s, hadnā€™t heard of this one, maybe add to my evergrowing reading list. :sparkling_heart:


Gosh, this is so important. I read a lot when I was young but was completely ruined by the forced books in middle and high school- the books were so depressing and unrelatable to me that it crushed my love for reading :frowning_face: Took me years to get back into it, but I still donā€™t read as much as I used to.

Reading for pleasure and finding stories that are meaningful to you (regardless of what other people think) is such a wonderful thing! Your daughter is very blessed to have you there encouraging her to find her passions :heart: :blush: :books:

I relate so much with this- forced reading is essentially torture, yet when you find the right book thereā€™s almost nothing better! Books are funny things like that :joy:


Awww :blush: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you for that! Thatā€™s something I have to remind myself of all the time :sweat_smile: but as long as sheā€™s reading and exercising parts of her brain that need it, Iā€™m okay with that. She read book number 2 of a Manga yesterday, from start to finish, in about an hour or so. Now sheā€™s waiting for the next one to be ready at the library :joy: and I went ahead and put the next 4 books on hold to last at least 4 days!

My issue with reading is finding time and brain space. I need to free up some space in my mind to be able to focus on what Iā€™m doing. Iā€™ve got another book in the works right now ā€“ canā€™t remember what itā€™s called ā€“ but Iā€™ll be adding it to the book club list soon!


Thatā€™s awesome- it sounds like sheā€™s absolutely loving the series! Iā€™m glad sheā€™s found a story that she is really into. I hope she continues to have fun with her reading! :books: :blush:

Woohoo! Iā€™m excited to hear about it- happy reading, Megan! :open_book: :blush:


Friendly reminder time!

:grey_exclamation: The current reading period will end in one week (Friday, July 21) :grey_exclamation:

A Readerā€™s Review post will appear in the forums at that time for everyone to share their thoughts and hear all about what your fellow coven members have been reading.

I hope everyone is enjoying their reading so far! Iā€™m looking forward to reading everyoneā€™s thoughts and learning about new books :open_book: :sparkles:

Happy reading and blessed be! :books:


I was so apprehensive about this 2nd book I am readingā€¦ becauseā€¦ for the course Iā€™m taking, itā€™s a book we have to read & then we have a question that we have to answerā€¦ It fell under the forced reading umbrella :laughing:

I took my daughter to the dentist yesterday morning & while she was having her work done, I started reading the book & now thatā€™s all I want to do :rofl: