Spike mat / bed of nails

I think I’d better say no more here before I make the conversation drift off at a total tangent :laughing:


Good call, let’s save our lovely moderators the headache :grin:
(Though it would be nice to have a thread for all kinds of fun sensory experiences :blush:)

Anyone wanting to share their experiences or thoughts closer to the topic are welcome to do so, please don’t be deterred by our silliness :two_hearts:


My spike mat and pillow arrived this afternoon. Lay down on the ground outside in the sunshine, felt the most comfortable I have in a long time and fell asleep.


That’s awesome! I will put it on my wishlist for sure. I know that you have similar back issues as I do. So I will definitely try it!


As someone who works as a moderator for an… uhhh… Very Adult™ social network company, it was VERY tame :joy_cat: I was about to see if I was on that website instead of this one based on what I was reading :crazy_face::joy_cat:

:warning: Content warning: medical stuff :warning: I know some people aren’t comfortable reading medical stuff, so please feel free to skip over the remainder of this post if you’d like :smiling_face:

All NSFW interests aside, I’m very interested in ordering one of these spike mats too! I have SUPER flat feet which has caused my back to have problems as I’ve gotten older, and lately I’ve had a few back spasms that have had me laying on the floor pretty much unable to move for an hour and a half or more. I wonder if maybe it would help my muscles in general, and potentially help relieve a spasm when it happens? :thinking:

If you’ve ordered one and are just now experimenting with it, please keep us updated so I can see if it may be something I should give a go :heart_eyes_cat:


Aww, I’m happy to hear! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Oops! :sweat_smile:
Good thing we didn’t go too far! :joy:

I’d love to hear everyone’s experiences too! :blush:


You have me wondering if it’s the same social network site I’m a member of…


You can DM me and ask me about it if you want — I just don’t want to do or say anything publicly that crosses any lines or do or say anything publicly or via DM that could potentially make anyone uncomfortable without the full consent of the other two individual :sweat_smile:


Thank you for being mindful of the minors on the site. :grin:

I love the idea of that green spike mat. I showed it to my kids and they thought it would be torture. :sweat_smile: I agree with TheTravelWitch: Thank you, @CelestiaMoon, for sharing about this. Now I have a new item on my wishlist.


I actually got round to reading the instruction booklet and it says you can stand on it so I thought I’d try it.

I hate having my feet touched for massage but do like pressure on them so gave it a go. Somewhat of an intense experience, and you’re supposed to work up to standing on one foot :flushed:

But now I’m off the mat my feet are pleasantly buzzing.

I have high hopes for this for my back, after years of pain if this works I’ll be thrilled.


I didn’t know about these. Thanks for the info!! I’m looking at the pictures and they look great for self-acupressure on the back and neck. Have you tried it like this and do you think it helps for muscle knots?? @IrisW or @CelestiaMoon?


@Francisco You’re welcome! :blush: I’ve tried that exactly like in the picture, putting a rolled up towel under it! Somehow I just found that by experimenting. It does feel heavenly for the tension in my neck. The effect seems to be only temporary, but I haven’t had a chance to try it long term yet.

@IrisW Standing on the mat is an interesting experience for sure! :smile_cat: A warm tingling sensation that kinda crawls up. Feels like one of those things you either love or hate, I love it! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Mine came with a pillow as well as the mat and I’ve tried both. Loved the sensation on my neck, as I say I fell asleep so must have been quite comfortable…


@Jewitch I have “flat” feet too! My arches fell when I was in high school & that was the start of my back problems. Then a litany of other things came to the surface after that. I completely get it!


That’s great to hear! I’m eagerly waiting to be able to purchase one. I have it on my wishlist!