Greetings, everyone! I wanted to pop in and share a story with you all that I’ve been dying to share but too hesitant to tell others besides maybe you all (you’re such a lovely group here I feel like I can tell you anything).
My patron goddess is Diana, Roman goddess of the hunt. Since “finding” her a few months ago, I realized there have been so many instances in my life where she has guided me, been there for me, and I wasn’t even aware of the fact. When I was a child, I “imagined”/saw a variety of animal spirits that would follow me everywhere I went- school, home, the car, I mean literally everywhere. I saw them as my friends, my companions. I always thought it was because I was a lonely child, but now I think it was Diana being there for me. I can still picture the experience for me, very awesome and unique, I just hope it’s believable to you all!
My favorite fictional series (for multiple reasons) is Harry Potter, and my wand is yew. I read that yew is sacred to Diana, and when I found that out it didn’t feel like a coincidence- just a piece of the puzzle fitting together. Since connecting with her through meditation and prayer, I feel like I have found a place of comfort where I never had before. I love Diana’s Worship Song on the site, and try to listen to it in honor of her. Today, for the first time, I happened upon a post about goddess Diana on my Facebook, and it felt like fate. I suppose that is what spurred me to share my story with you all. Thanks for listening to my rambling, hope I made sense. Blessed be!