Super Flower Blood Moon Eclipse in Saggitarius

That’s a really good question, @Volmarr! For those of us who won’t be in the range of the Lunar Eclipse, I’m confident that we can carry on with our Full Moon Magick without worrying too much :full_moon: . Although those who are particularly in tune with lunar energies may choose to draw on the Lunar Eclipse even if they won’t be able to see the eclipse from their location.

As for working spellwork beneath the Lunar Eclipse, many people believe it is better to stick to shadow and reflection work. However, just like when it’s a New/Dark Moon, the decision to do or refrain from spellwork will depend largely on the individual.

Eclipses only occur once in a while so it’s a good opportunity to look back at the past 6-12 months. Whether it’s about lessons learned or wishes that came true, we clear the path and open ourselves to new things that will come our way.

Having said this, everyone’s path is different and you may have a different interpretation.

Some Witches see the lunar eclipse as a full cycle (Moon appearing and disappearing) in one night so that gives it a very special power. Others still claim that lunar eclipses are “dangerous“, but this event is an opportunity to experiment with intuitive magic and enhance our psychic abilities.

[From Spells8: Lunar Eclipse]

Whether you choose to do spellwork or have a time of rest and reflection, wishing you a very blessed Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse! :sparkles: