Super Flower Blood Moon Eclipse in Saggitarius

That’s a shame, it won’t be visible where I am in England. I’ll have to watch a video online :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ll probably do the Lunar Eclipse Ritual as well, it looks interesting. I’m just disappointed I can’t see the eclipse from where I’m at.


Here’s a Full Moon Spell for the Flower Moon too! :white_flower:

The guided meditation is of course voiced by Joy, and I added a printable page with a few journaling ideas I felt necessary to include:

I hope the weather will be nice enough around here for a walk in the moonlight :full_moon: Otherwise I’ll be blasting some Woke Nation and creating smoke shapes at home :laughing:


@Francisco you had said earlier it was not good to do spells on the eclipse moons? Can you please tell more about this? Would it be alright to do this spell on the eclipse?


Woohoo! Thanks for this helpful info, @mary25 :heart:

Thanks for sharing the eclipse map, @Volmarr! :raised_hands: I’m with @IrisW on that we won’t be able to see it here in Europe :sob: Oh well- we should still be able to see the full moon! :full_moon:

A few folks mentioned the Spells8 Lunar Eclipse Ritual Spell, so I’m adding a link here in case anyone else is considering it this week:


That’s a really good question, @Volmarr! For those of us who won’t be in the range of the Lunar Eclipse, I’m confident that we can carry on with our Full Moon Magick without worrying too much :full_moon: . Although those who are particularly in tune with lunar energies may choose to draw on the Lunar Eclipse even if they won’t be able to see the eclipse from their location.

As for working spellwork beneath the Lunar Eclipse, many people believe it is better to stick to shadow and reflection work. However, just like when it’s a New/Dark Moon, the decision to do or refrain from spellwork will depend largely on the individual.

Eclipses only occur once in a while so it’s a good opportunity to look back at the past 6-12 months. Whether it’s about lessons learned or wishes that came true, we clear the path and open ourselves to new things that will come our way.

Having said this, everyone’s path is different and you may have a different interpretation.

Some Witches see the lunar eclipse as a full cycle (Moon appearing and disappearing) in one night so that gives it a very special power. Others still claim that lunar eclipses are “dangerous“, but this event is an opportunity to experiment with intuitive magic and enhance our psychic abilities.

[From Spells8: Lunar Eclipse]

Whether you choose to do spellwork or have a time of rest and reflection, wishing you a very blessed Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse! :sparkles:


I was in middle of typing out a response like @Volmarr did. I just stick to tarot, candle magic, journal prompts. But I’m liking the rituals shared here!!!


Thanks :pray: I love Forever Conscious! She has great content and is underrated. She also has a YouTube channel where she keeps updates on astrology, meditations, etc. Definitely sign up for her email because she gives great info and free stuff!!!


I just received this email with the ritual for the blood moon:


I got the same email! I love Forever Conscious for the forecasts & their rituals are really nice too.

I’m not sure what I am doing for the Full Moon Eclipse. I know that I will be bringing out crystals under the moon if it’s a nice night here. I don’t know if I will be making Moon Water though. I’m just kind of scattered about what I want to do for it.


NOOOOO! Lol don’t charge crystals under an eclipse because it will possibly get worse or mixed energy.


See this is why I love you :heart: It’s too early for these things to be registering in my brain. I haven’t even finished my first cup of coffee. :rofl:

I was looking at my natal chart & figuring out where Chiron is in my chart… none of it made any sense to me this morning. So I also decided that I won’t try to read my book until I’m 2 cups deep.


I can’t even open my eyes until the second cup :joy::joy:
Btw, what other crystal do you like a lot??


Oh! I like Gold & Red & Blue Tiger’s Eye a whole lot! Those bands of color get me every time! Garnet & Lapis Lazuli are other ones that I adore. & anything shaped like a turtle. :turtle:

This reminds me that I have to go through my cards again. I found some crystals in little bags with cards & I have no idea if I already have some of the cards in my book. I have too many of these cards. :rofl: :card_file_box:

I just got my second cup. I’m going to have to buy coffee for the weekend because after this I can only make 1 more cup until I go to the store :convenience_store: . Which will be a while from now, I’m not ready for people in my town yet. :frowning_woman:t2:


Got it in my notebook :ledger:. And I order online and pick up. I don’t do people!!! People here are rude, inconsiderate, perverted, dirty and just no!!


We have had some nice weather lately & it’s Friday. Tourists are abundant now which means rude, entitled, inconsiderate… a whole lot of no for me. So from now until about mid September we use “native travel” (the backroads) & we don’t go over the bridge until Monday. The traffic will be insane & just continues to get worse over the summer. Today is a little overcast, but I think it’s supposed to clear up by the afternoon.


That’s cool :sunglasses: I like back roads. It reminds me of when I was a little girl, as a family we used to get McDonald’s and just drive on all the backroads until we were lost. Not literally. My dad always knew what to do and where to go. Now I have to fight for that attention. My parents have favorites.


I love the backroads, when I was growing up on the other side of the bridge, I knew all the backroads to the surrounding towns like the back of my hand. I could get from one to the other with no issues. I rarely was on the main roads or highways.

I grew up in a house with favorites. It was like my Dad would try to overcompensate attention for me because my brother was the favorite. It’s a tough thing to live through sometimes.


My parents favor my baby sister first then my little brother and skipped me to my older brother and sister.


Oh no, my step mother (she was my mother from 2 years old until she passed when I was in my early 20s) favored my younger brother & made no attempt to hide it.