Tarot Spread for Friday the 13th 🖤

Merry meet to all,

Friday the 13th is upon us- tomorrow is the special day!

Interested in this occasion? Learn more and join the discussion in The Truth About Friday the 13th :black_cat:

Whether you believe it to be a lucky time, a dreadful day, or simply just another page on the calendar- why not try a special 13 card reading for the day?

Picture from My Tarot Space

While searching for a special spread for the day, I came across The Horoscope Tarot Spread on My Tarot Space

This spread can be used as a general reading or as a yearly outlook. The cards are laid in a circle and draw on the Zodiac- they each represent one of the Astrological Houses.


How to Read Your Spread:

1st House/Aries –Self-image, identity. This card represent your physical body, image, your look as well as the image you have of yourself.

2nd House/Taurus –Value or your resources. Your self-worth, money and earnings, possessions.

3rd House/Gemini –Communication and knowledge

4th House/Cancer –Home and family. Your domestic life, your roots. This indicates where you live

5th House/Leo – Creativity.Things we give birth to, from children to projects.

6th House/Virgo –Productivity. Work and Service

7th House/Libra –Relationships. Where you interact with others whether romantic partners or perceived enemies.

8th House/Scorpio – Inheritance. Death, taxes, other people’s money.

9th House/Sagittarius – Philosophy. This house deals with your belief system, expanding your knowledge. It deals with stuff we want to learn.

10th House/Capricorn –Ambition. Career

11th House/Aquarius –Community

12th House/Pisces –Inner Self. This house deals with spirituality. Us in the most private. What we know subconsciously.

Source: The Horoscope Tarot Spread

The 13th Card is placed in the middle and is used as an overall indicator the spread.


I’m excited to give this spread a try tomorrow for Friday the 13th! :star_struck:

I was searching for a spread with 13 cards (which is a lot for me- I usually stick to 3! But special times call for special spreads, am I right? :laughing: ) and I really enjoy when tarot meets horoscopes, so this seemed perfect.

For those who also enjoy a blend of horoscopes and tarot, you may be interested in this spread as well: Your Personal Horoscope- A Tarot Spread :crystal_ball:

Will you be reading tarot for Friday the 13th? Did you give this spread a try?

I’d love to hear about your Friday the 13th tarot experiences! Feel free to share them below :sparkles:

Happy Friday the 13th and Blessed be! :dizzy:


Thank you! You must have known that I’ve been searching for something to do for this Friday the 13th!!! :wink:


Eep. That’s a big spread!


@BryWisteria @christina4 I found a spread for Friday the 13th on Pinterest

I think I’m gonna give this one a try. The wanna @BryWisteria shared is a bit intimidating :rofl:


Thanks for sharing @BryWisteria !! It does look a bit overwhelming with so many cards but at the same time it’s super exhaustive, a lot to work with :+1:


Hahaha you know what they say about great minds @Christina4! :laughing: :+1:

Agreed, @Amethyst- it is a big one! Much bigger than I usually do! :grin:

Ohhhh I like that one too, @phoenix_dawn, and it’s certainly much easier to explore with just 5 cards. If you give it a try, let me know how it worked for you! :blush:

Very true @Francisco- it is a lot of information to digest :sweat_smile:

Here’s my (not-so-circular lol) spread:

Now I’ll just excuse myself- it’s going to take me all day to break down each of the cards and their meanings as they pertain to the spread :joy: I’m hoping for some good insights and perhaps some direction for a current problem I’m working through- although I can already see that some things may not be quite what I’m hoping for! :sweat_smile:

Happy Friday the 13th to all! :tada::black_heart:


Ok I did this for Friday the 13th. Thank you again @BryWisteria for this spread!!
I shuffled my cards 13 times lol just to get in the spirit of things then my first card popped out just as I was shuffling the 13th round. That became my first card, the chariot. Then I did the rest as it’s taught. So, here’s a picture:

You might have to zoom in because I’m the best photographer :sweat_smile:
Any interpretations I should know about like any hidden meanings lol I did think that this fit me well.


Thanks for the spreads! I used the one suggested by @phoenix_dawn and took a page from @christina4 book with 13 shuffles! Thanks for sharing!
I usually enjoy Friday the 13, I think it’s fun to go a little shadowy, but this reading has me thinking luck is not on my side.

I just came back into town from a very nice vacay. Unfortunately, every anxiety I’ve been dealing with recently came rushing back as soon as I walked in the door. So my intuition is pretty clouded today, any thoughts welcome. I’m trying to read it as a suggestion to take it easy, no big decisions or moves today. Focus on self-care and getting organized.
Wasn’t intending to unload! Appreciate all the info and perspectives I’m find here as a tarot beginner!


Here’s my 13 card spread

Now working on interpretation…


Here’s my Friday the 13th spread. I don’t really care to dive into my interpretation but I don’t mind if y’all want to give it a go based on the picture.


Sorry for the late response. I did the pull yesterday but I was traveling and I wanted to give myself time to process it. This is going in A Sacred Space.


I love that you shuffled the cards 13 times @Christina4, and it looks like you have some very auspicious cards in your reading! May the cards be a hint of good things coming your way :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sorry your reading wasn’t quite what you were hoping for, @Bee12- I hope your anxiety eases up soon. Post-vacation blues are a very real thing and I hope you can get back into a happy mindset again soon. But I love the positive messages you found in the cards- it looks like some self-care and organization could be the way to go! Thanks for sharing your reading :heart:

I love your cards, @IrisW- and it looks like you got quite a few Major Arcana turning up! Sounds to me like some powerful changes are coming your way- may they all be positive for you! Thanks for sharing :two_hearts:

That looks like a pretty balanced reading with different suits, @phoenix_dawn. Thanks for sharing your cards, I hope you had a lovely Friday the 13th! :sparkles:

And thanks again to @praecog29 for sharing your pull! :raised_hands:

To all those who shared their cards and anyone else who did a reading for the day, I hope your reading points to good things soon to come!

Hope you all had a blessed Friday the 13th- the next one will be May 13th, 2022! :grin:


Guess what’s coming up at the end of this week? :eyes:

Bringing back this spread for the upcoming Friday the 13th! :black_cat: :tarot_card:


Will be trying this tonight. Thanks for sharing!



You’re very welcome, @kristin11- wishing you a blessed Friday the 13th! :black_cat: :sparkles:


I find Friday the 13th to a magical and lucky day.
One of my lucky numbers is 13 and well I love Friday’s=winning!! :dizzy:

I’m going to try the 13 card Year Ahead spread by ambrosiadivination
The 1st 12 cards represent the 12 months and the 13th card represents the year.

Perfect for the beginning of 2023 , wouldnt you say.

Happy Friday the 13th

Katie :dizzy:
Charleston, South Carolina


Sounds like a very lucky day to me- I hope you had a wonderful Friday the 13th and that your reading gave you plenty of helpful advice and guidance for the year ahead! May it be a good one for you :pray::blush:

Blessed be! :sparkles: