Taurus New Moon & Ritual - Forever Conscious ✨

I love astrology & while I have been taking my courses on crystals & revamping my practice after my last… renewal… I feel like it’s time to get back to basics & work on my astrology again! :milky_way: One of my favorite websites for this provides the following information regarding April 30, 2022, the Solar Eclipse & some planetary movements. There is also a New Moon Ritual which is in Taurus at that time & with it being April, a New Moon :new_moon: in Taurus :taurus:, & a solar eclipse, now seems like as good of a time as any… :smiling_face:

On April 30th, 2022, the Moon will Eclipse the Sun giving us the first Solar Eclipse of the year.

Solar Eclipses always fall on a New Moon, and while this is only a Partial Solar Eclipse, it is still ultra-potent and carries the weight of a hundred New Moons!

The keyword for this April Solar Eclipse is OPPORTUNITY, so if there is something you want, this is your cosmic invitation to connect with your heart’s desire and see what flies in.

Uranus can sometimes be a bit shocking in the way that it works, but ultimately its goal is to bring more freedom into our lives. It wants to liberate us from all that is holding us back so we can step into a truer and more authentic place.

Venus and Jupiter are one of the sweetest combinations of cosmic energy out there, and to feel it, all we have to do is breathe it in and know we are worthy to receive it.

Venus and Jupiter are also the signatures for abundance, so keeping your mind focused on abundant thinking and aligned with thoughts of gratitude will be extra beneficial, and will allow you to align with the flow of abundant energies this cosmic energy brings.

While Solar Eclipses don’t really require us to set goals or request anything of the Universe, they are a good time to bring our awareness to our hearts and ensure they are open to receiving.

Source Forever Conscious & more detailed information

Taurus Solar Eclipse Gratitude & Healing Ritual :new_moon: :taurus:

This ritual is best done from April 23-May 10, 2022


1.) Start by cleansing your aura followed by your ritual space. (Always begin with your aura first and then your space.)

As you cleanse yourself, recite this intention, or feel free to say what you feel in the moment-

“I am one with light and love, I am one with grace. This cleansing tool expands my soul, lightens my load, and frees me from all that is heavy. I feel light; I feel strong. I am a radiant channel of light. Only love can enter. And so it is.”

Set your own intention as you cleanse your space.

2.) Take your bowl of water and begin gently stirring it with your finger in a clockwise direction. Repeat a few times quietly to yourself-

“I am grateful for this body, I am grateful for my mind, I am grateful for the Sun that rises, I am grateful for all my time. I am grateful for what has come my way, I honor both dark and light. These experiences have made me who I am, they have allowed me to take flight. Into this Eclipse gateway, I do go, open to the new opportunities life has to unfold.”

3.) Place your flowers in the bowl of water along with a few drops of your chosen essential oil. Place your hands around the bowl of water and breathe deeply for a moment here. Breathe in the aromas of the oil and then state three things you feel grateful for, starting with – “Thank you for…”

4.) Close your eyes and place your hands over your heart center. Think about a recent change or something confronting that is coming up for you. Think about whatever is troubling you, or whatever changes are making you uneasy. Try to just focus on one.

5.) Think about the situation you have chosen, feel into it. Go through it all in your mind while keeping your hands on your heart. Now find 3 things you can be grateful for around this situation. Really challenge yourself to think about the good that has come from it.

Example- “I am grateful for my challenging boss as it is helping me to grow and learn the value of standing up for myself.” Or “I am grateful for the time I spent with (ex-partner) as it taught me what I really need in my relationships moving forward.”

You can repeat this process for other situations or areas of your life if you wish.

After this gratitude practice, notice if any solutions or new ways of looking at things have emerged.

6.) Lay next to your bowl of water and start your Cosmic Healing Guided Meditation.

7.) After your meditation is complete, read your Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse Horoscope for both your Sun and Rising Sign (if you know it). Reflect on any messages that have come up for you.

8.) Leave your bowl of water out during the night. In the morning, you can place your water into a spray bottle and use it whenever you need a boost of gratitude or acceptance. Alternatively, you can wash your hands and body in the water and allow the gratitude water to soak into your being.

Forever Conscious - April New Moon :new_moon: Solar Eclipse in Taurus :taurus:


I love this ritual! Thanks for sharing!


You’re very welcome! :heart:


Whoa- it’s a New Moon, partial Solar Eclipse, and it’s a Black Moon!? And it’s Walpurgis night too! :jack_o_lantern: This Saturday’s moon is loaded, how exciting! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks so much for sharing your astrology wisdom and the ritual, @Susurrus! :heart::new_moon_with_face:


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