Thankful Ritual

The full moon is a time of abundance and generosity, so what better time to cast a spell of thankfulness? This spell will fill you with a deep sense of gratitude for all the good in your life.

You will need:

-A green candle

-A bowl of water

-A piece of paper

-A pen

-A thankfulness charm (optional) This can be anything you have imbued with thankfulness intentions.


  1. Begin by cleansing yourself and your space. You can do this by smudging with smoke or by taking a salt bath.

  2. Once you are cleansed, set up your altar. Place the green candle in the center of the altar, along with the bowl of water and the piece of paper.

  3. Take a few moments to sit quietly and reflect on all the things you are thankful for. Really take the time to feel the gratitude in your heart.

  4. When you are ready, light the green candle and say aloud:

“I am grateful for (insert what you are grateful for). Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  1. Repeat this affirmation a few times, letting the gratitude fill your entire being.

  2. Take the piece of paper and write down everything you are grateful for. Really take your time with this and be specific.

  3. Once you have finished writing, fold up the paper and place it under the green candle. Let it burn until it is completely consumed. Be careful to not burn yourself - have a fire proof dish handy.

  4. Take the bowl of water and thankfulness charm (if using) and go outside. Find a spot where you can see the moon. Hold the bowl of water up to the moon and say:

“Mother Moon, I thank you for your abundance and generosity. I am filled with gratitude for all the good in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  1. Pour the water out onto the ground as an offering.

  2. Take a few moments to just soak in the gratitude. Feel it in your body, in your heart, and in your soul. Let it fill you up completely.

This spell can be done anytime you are feeling low and need a little boost of thankfulness. It is also a great spell to do during the month of Thanksgiving.


Thank you for sharing! It’s a beautiful ritual. :heart:


Lovely spell of gratitude- thank you for sharing it, @SilverBear! :pray: :blush: :heart:


Thank you for sharing this @SilverBear :revolving_hearts:


@SilverBear I simply love this :blush::heart::purple_heart: