There is a lot!

Just going to second Mystique - there’s so much content out there to explore, it’s natural that it can feel overwhelming, especially at the start! I agree that it’s fine to go slow. Make a list of things you’d like to learn about and take them at your own pace. Follow your heart and your interests. And most of all - have fun with it :heart: :blush:

You’re very welcome to join the challenges! Like Mystique mentioned, you are free to explore the theme in a way that resonates with your unique practice - you can share your entry however you’d like (text, video, pictures, etc) during the period of the challenge.

The current challenge is on the theme of peace in magick. I’ll drop a link here in case you’d like to take a peek - scroll down to the bottom to see what everyone else has done for their entries! :mage:

Keep on having fun with your practice, @AngelicVillain - blessed be! :sparkles: