Time Keeping and the significance of seasons

Time is a very interesting concept and always fun to think about! Humankind really has taken control of time into their own hands with things like lightbulbs, electricity, alarms, etc- that’s actually really powerful when you think about it :mantelpiece_clock: :sparkles:

Then there are things like Liminal Spaces where time seems to flow differently, or when you travel internationally and “leap” through bubbles of time (flying from Japan back to Boston is a 13-hour flight over a 13-hour time difference- you can land at the same time you departed. Where did that time go? Is time internal or external- or are they different kinds of time?)

Is time a human concept? Do animals have the same sense of time? (my parent’s cat, who starts screaming at 5:30am on the dot to get fed every morning certainly has some sense of what time it is :joy_cat:)

Actually, I’m going to take back what I said at the beginning about thinking about time always being fun- sometimes it can invoke an existential crisis too :joy:

I’ve wandered down the black rabbit hole here, but it really is a great topic to discuss- thanks for this, @Temujin_Calidius! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: