These brought a big smile to my face- you have some talented crafters in your class! They did a really great job with the models. Hahaha I think if I tried to make a model I don’t think it would come out even half as nicely as theirs!
If I can add in my two cents, I’d say that just being drawn to Egyptian deities wouldn’t exclude you from Wiccan or other non-Kemetic paths of witchcraft (I am not a Wiccan and very Eclectic, however, so take this with a grain of salt!)
Additionally, deities can be defined in numerous different ways. There are those who worship each deity as their own entity, those who see overlap between certain deities, and those who see all deities as faces of the same underlying entity (be it the God/Goddess, the Universe, or something else entirely).
@MeganB had a really great video about this- I’ll leave a link here just in case you are interested: Hard and Soft Polytheism Video
I can see @Amaris_Bane shared a great list of possible diety correpondences- the only other one I have to add to the list is Zorya- the three-faced/three-goddess deity of dusk, dawn, and light in Rodnovery (Slavic Paganism)
Good luck with your studies- I hope you are able to find what you are looking for!
Blessed be