Trivia - "The Man-Eaters of Tsavo"

125 years ago, in 1898 in the Tsavo region of Kenya, 2 lions terrorized
the workers on the Kenya-Uganda Railway, killing an estimated 135
people. Lieutenant Colonel John Henry Patterson eventually hunted
them down, and his account of the experience is documented in the
semi-biography “The Man-Eaters of Tsavo”
Urban legend led to the belief that there were many lions, but in the
end there were only two. The Lions, were widely studied for their
unique behaving of hunting humans, as a pair.
Their skins, & skulls were later sent to the field Museum of natural
history in Chicago, where they still reside today. Their infamy lives
on with expanding legends. A reminder of the chilling and extra-
ordinary behavior of this pair of lions.

The Man-eaters of Tsavo 1907 , Lt. Col. John Henry Patterson.
The Man-eaters of Tsavo – Wikipedia

Blessed be

PS, if you read the book, bare in mind that it was written over a century ago, the language and use of it will be different than we’re used to.

I totally forgot about the Val Kilmer movie, The Ghost and the Darkness (1996)
thanks for reminding me!


I remember watching a movie based on this when I was a kid:

Of course, it was dramatised for entertainment as usual. But it still scared the hell outta me. :joy:


Good kitties :joy_cat:


Hi @Garnet! I feel like its been so very long since I’ve seen you :people_hugging:

Thank you for sharing, I’ve never heard this that I know of… although parts seem familiar.

I just wanted to let you know I fixed the Wikipedia link for you :hugs: I’ve missed you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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