Unakite Information πŸ’Ž


Mineral Family: Pink Orthoclase Feldspar, Green Epidote and Colorless Quartz
Structure: Altered Granite
Hardness: 6-7
Numerology Vibration: 9
Chakra: Heart :purple_heart:
Zodiac: Scorpio :scorpius:
Element: Earth :earth_americas:
Planet: Earth :earth_africa:
Color: Olive Green, Green, Red

:gem: Unakite has a special connection with one’s Herat and aids in the deeper understanding of their emotional body.
:gem: Simply meditating with this stone will help push out those β€œdead weight” feelings we continue to carry with us.
:gem: This crystal has a soft touch and will keep you comfortable even when dealing with the most painful emotions.
:gem: It’s a powerful as transformation talisman that’s here to not only strengthen your heart, but also bridge the gap where new opportunities await!
:gem: Due to Unakite having Epidote in it, this mineral is a natural enhancer of any emotions or vibration that is placed around it. (I automatically thought of clear quartz and amethyst).
For example:
If ones having a bad day and is carrying a piece of unakite with them, it’s recommended placing it aside for the time being.

Other Properties:
Empathy, enhancing, enlightenment, energy transfer, expanded awareness, fertility and pregnancy, generosity, gentle self-expression, grief and mourning, grounding, growth, inner vision, inspiration, intuition, meditation, mental enhancer, nourishing and rejuvenation, PTSD, self healing, stress relief, trust, compassion, emotional understanding.

This information is taken from the lovely ladies at The Crystal Council

Unakite Palm stone

A Unakite Pebble


I think I’m noticing a pattern in the list I posted. Looks like I’m drawn to these for a few different reasons.

Again thank you! :blush:


My pendulum/necklace


Ooh, that’s beautiful!!!