Updating your Profile and Picture [Tutorial]

One of our lovely members had a question about changing their profile picture. And you know what? I realized we didn’t have a tutorial for that. I have remedied that problem, though, and have come to help you figure out how to edit your entire profile here on Spells8 and change your profile picture!

First, let’s go over some things that you can change on your profile. Let me note real quick that the “Profile” section of your settings does not include your profile picture.

Here’s a screenshot of my own profile. Yours will look similar minus the admin button, at least.

About Me

This is a section to give other members of Spells8 a little (or a lot!) of information about yourself, your practice, your interests, and antyhing else you feel is important. For example, here is what mine says.

Hello! My name is Megan and I am a 30-year-old witch, mother, and partner. I started my path with Wicca in my early teens and now I follow the path of a Celtic Polytheist focused on Irish deities and spirits. I’m also an eclectic witch of more than 10 years. I am here to help answer questions and spark discussion. I host my own podcast and YouTube channel with a website as well.



Choose your timezone! I believe Discourse (the forum software that Spells8 utilizes) will automatically choose a timezone for you based on your location. However, if you ever need to change it you would do so here.



Manually share your location. You can be as general or as specific as you would like. However, please remember that your profile is viewable by all members of Spells8 and possibly to the public. Do not share your exact location, your physical address, or your phone number please!


Web Site

Have a website? Share it with the forum. Please be sure that it is age-appropriate as the forum is open to those ages 13 and up.


Profile Header

This image will show up as a header for your profile. Spells8 recommends a width of no greater than 1110 pixels.


User Card Background

This image will show up when someone clicks or taps on your username for the small glimpse at your profile.


Featured Topic

Did you write a post you’re really proud of? Link it here!


Date of Birth

Every month I write a Birthday Celebration post with everyone’s birthdays on it. If you would like to be included in that, please be sure that your birthday is entered here. Please note that your date of birth will be viewable on Spells8 through the Cakeday option.


Now, how do you get there?

Getting to your profile settings is easy! These steps work the same on the desktop version, mobile version, and app. In the top right of your screen, click or tap on your current profile picture icon. This will bring up a menu.

Select the gray figure that looks like a person and then select “Preferences”.


Here this will take you to your “Account” page. This is where you can update your username, select a new profile picture, update your email address, and adjust your title.

To change your profile picture, select the gray pencil icon.


This will bring up a menu that lets you select from one of three options. You can either select the system assigned profile picture (usually a color with a letter inside), your Gravatar based on your email address (which only applies if you have Wordpress), or a custom picture.


The option you would likely choose is to use a custom picture so select the gray “Upload” button, choose a photo from your device, and select “Save Changes”.

Tada! Your profile picture has been changed!

What about the rest of the profile?

Once you’re back on your “Account” page, select the option on the left that says “Profile”. From there you should see a screen that has all the options I mentioned above.

Go ahead and enter in any information you’d like! Don’t forget to save your changes!

Feel free to get as creative with your profile as you would like! Just remember to practice internet safety, okay? We don’t want to unintentionally give complete strangers full access to our private information.

I hope this tutorial was helpful!


This is super helpful! :clap: :star_struck:

I thought my profile was up-to-date, but now I’ve realized that I don’t have a “user card background”. I wonder if that’s a relatively new feature or one I just never discovered. There are always exciting new things to explore here in the forum! :laughing: :heart:

Thank you so much for this, @MeganB- it is a great resource! :raised_hands:


You’re not alone. I didn’t have a user card background until I made this tutorial :laughing: it must be a newer feature!


Hello! I have just joined the forum and haves been trying to update my profile picture, but I receive an error every time I try. Do we have specific rules for uploading images? These are public usage photos of candles. Thank you for your help!


Hi there Ben!

Let me dig around for a second and see if I can find the guidelines we have to follow when uploading pictures. Those images themselves should be fine but they may be too big.

:wave: Be right back!


Thank you so much, Megan. I look forward to learning what you discover.


Hmm :thinking: I’m not finding anything on my end that would give an error. I tried uploading a pretty big file, too. Do you happen to know the file size and the dimensions of the image? That might help!

I’m also going to tag @Francisco and see if he can look at it from the back end. Hang tight! :blush:


Thank you once again and I solved the problem. It turns out the photos I downloaded were in an odd image format. Changing the format seems to have solved the problem. Thank you!


You’re welcome! I’m glad you were able to figure it out :blush:


This was a huge help, thank you!


I feel like I’m going to do this… as soon as I find an image to do it with :rofl:


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