We saw a pod of dolphins! šŸ¬ [new vlog on my channel]

Hey everyone! I just wanted to crosspost this before I go relax and forget (hopefully I feel better soon!)


ā†’ We saw a pod of dolphins! || Weekend Vlog - Day in the Life [CC] - YouTube

We took a small trip one Saturday to go to Skyway Pier for a family fishing trip. Iā€™m not a fishing person but I always come along. This time, we were graced with the presence of a pod of dolphins that played tug-of-war with the people fishing off the pier!

This is a realistic weekend in my life. Sprinkled between the trip, the gardening, the cooking, and the sunburn is a little bit of magic :sparkles:

If you like these types of videos let me know! I can always try and vlog more :sparkling_heart:


Thanks for sharing! Dolphins are one of my favorite water animals! So pretty!


Oh, thatā€™s awesome! I remember visiting my brother & sister in law one year. She was adamant that we go kayaking. (I had never been, I tried my best though)

I very clearly remember the signs where we went saying to watch for Manatees & Dolphins! I was so excited & we did see a Manatee & I was in awe!

Dolphin pods are fun to watch also. We had a pod alongside the cruise ship :ship: we went on as a family for 8 nights & 7 days too!

Thank you for sharing your experience & bringing back some great memories! :heart_eyes:


Thatā€™s one thing I love about living here in Florida. The wildlife is just so abundant! I wish I had a go-pro on while I was swimming in the ocean that day I came literally face to face with a manatee :rofl: scared the crap out of me because the water wasnā€™t super clear and I didnā€™t know what I ran into lol both me and the manatee tucked tail and swam the other way!


ā€œI donā€™t like the windā€ - I said the same thing yesterday on our walk to the beach, it was so horribly windy! Blows right into your ears and chills you to the bone :confounded: Gorgeous shots though- of the water and the garden and everything! :heart:

The french onion casserole looks amazing, btw- youā€™re a champion for making such a gorgeous dish for everyone! PB&Js are good too and definitely good comfort food :yum::sandwich: :sparkles:

Sounds like you got a lot done- thanks for sharing some beautiful moments and lovely magick from your day! :grinning:


Yeah, I can handle a lot but the wind is just not one of them :laughing: Iā€™m the only plant-based eater in my house so sometimes I go simple for my own food but everyone else has to eat :woman_shrugging:

Thank you for watching! I really enjoy sharing bits and pieces of my day and practice as a more realistic view into witchcraft and the fact that weā€™re all real people on YouTube :blush: Iā€™d like to vlog more but Iā€™m not sure if I will ā€“ I lost like 6 subscribers because of that video lol


I think this is a really important point of view and an essential thing to remember- thereā€™s a screen between us, but weā€™re all people with our own lives and needs and happenings. The ā€œdown-to-Earthā€ content is something I personally would like more YouTubers to do!

Itā€™s their loss for sure- you make great content, Megan! :heart::raised_hands:


I really appreciate that Bry, thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thatā€™s really important for me to remember. I just finished recording my December podcast and video and one of the things Iā€™m working on doing next year is embracing myself and being more real and raw with myself and my audience. I even want to post some videos of me playing a game I enjoy :rofl: it has nothing to do with witchcraft or paganism but itā€™s me and I find it fun so who cares?! :woman_shrugging: (this is me trying to convince myself that itā€™s okayā€¦lol)


As a viewer, I really appreciate this perspective :pray: Obviously I canā€™t speak for everyone, but to me seeing the down-to-earth moments makes the content (be it witchcraft, games, writing- whatever the focus of someoneā€™s channel might be) feel so much more real and tangible. It makes something that seems distant much more relatable- I honestly find it inspiring :sparkles:

You keep doing you, Megan- have fun with what you do, and keep on making it wonderfully your own! :heart::blush:


@MeganB omg family day trip soinds amazing. I cant even get my kids in one place for the holidays.

Such a blessing to see a pod of dolphins. May the Goddess bless u and your family my lovely.


Thatā€™s really good to know :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I hope more people share your perspective, too. Itā€™s hard not to get caught up in the analytics and statistics of videos and remember that the reason I started in the first place was to share my experiences but also to have fun while doing it!

Thank you so much :heart: I appreciate that! May the Gods bless you as well!


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