:raven: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - A Witch's Companions

Oh these are beautiful, our beloved friends who remain in our hearts long after they’ve moved on. Blessed be :sparkling_heart:


Thank you so much. Being here is helping me heal :heart:



I am going to share with you my beloved little kitty Luna and explain her importance in my life.

I have always been a dog person. NEVER a cat person. In fact i could honestly say i really disliked cats and was actually a bit scared of them. However, they seem to like me, always coming over to me for a clap, rubbing on my leg and Purring (which freaked me out).

Funny story that my friend had a Cat called Poppy and one called Mia. Mia became pregnant to my friend suprise because she was a house cat. Turned out Poppy was a male :rofl: and together they had 4 kittens.

I was visiting one day and saw the kittens. They were “cute” but me being a non cat lover didn’t show the same affection or excitement that others did. Then i saw the smallest one. Probably the runt. She hobbled across the floor to me and I fell in love. A little ball of silver fur with sparkiling eyes. I just knew then that I had to take her and when the time came, thats what I did. I called her Luna.

This was for two reasons: her silvery colour was like that of the moon in the sky and I had recently just begun working with the moon at the time. Also, i had just started learning Spanish and its the Spanish word for moon🤣.

Luna is now 4, gets on with my English Bulldogs, Vera and Ralph, and even had her own litter. Only 2 kittens that I named Jupiter and Nova. Unfortunately Jupiter passed away after a week of bottle feeding but Nova went from strength to strength. I couldnt bear to give her away on so kept her! Now I have gone full circle and just love cats.

Luna is my companion though. She knows when I need her and comforts me with her gently pawing and purring. She comes in to my bedroom during night and cuddles in by my side. She sits with me in front of my altar and even circles around my spell work as i am.carrying them out. She also sits on my table as i write in my book of shadows. During the day, she sits upon my altar and stands guard. This is particualrly interesting considering my altar contains Egyptian deities and artefacts…they were known to revere cats. Perhaps she feels or sees something around the altar that pleases her.

Anyway, I realise i have written a novel here but wanted to show how that little ball of silver changed my whole perception of cats and how now, i really couldnt be without her.

Blessed be



Thank you, I’m very pleased with how it turned out. One of my best creations to date :cat2: :heart: :paw_prints:


I am adoring everyone’s entries this week- there’s definitely a range of emotions, but every entry I’m seeing is heartfelt and expressive in its own way. I can tell there are some very beloved creatures, critters and guides in the hearts of the coven! :heart:

It’s my pleasure, Medea- blessed be! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You are so kind, Shadeweaver- this brought a big smile to my face! :blush::heart:

Thank you so much, and I’m looking forward to the same! May it be a long and happy road of learning ahead for all of us here in the coven together. So mote it be! :grinning:

Many blessings! :sparkles:

You are very sweet, Phoenix! :hugs: It’s always such a pleasure to be here with all of you wonderful people- I learn so much every day, and I’m happy if I’m able to reflect back a bit of wisdom to share with everyone :pray: :two_hearts:

Thank you for your very kind words- blessed be! :heartpulse:


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

Tuesday, May 30 at 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

I feel my heartstrings getting pulled this week- from very emotional stories of meeting and loss, to beautiful remembrance and farewell rituals, to adorable pets pics (I’ve been doing a lot of squealing! :laughing: :two_hearts: ), to fascinating spirit stories and more- what an amazing array of entries! Thank you so much to everyone who has joined in to share about witchy companions so far :paw_prints:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :raven::sparkles:


I wish I had been looking at these all week because at this point it would take hours to make a post tagging everyone.

Everyone’s companions are so beautiful and all so special and they all have such incredible personalities. The stories are all so heartwarming, some heartbreaking at the same time. All are very clearly loved.

The memorials and other ways of honoring and remembering the ones that have passed through are amazing.

The posts about Spirit animals are wonderful. Spirit animals are a special interest of mine. I loved reading them all.
I’m fascinated with how people find theirs.

And the other entry ideas are so creative and wonderful


Weekly Witchy Challenge for Amethyst:

So. When my last two cats died I didn’t want anymore, the cost of cat food was rising and it was difficult for me to clean the littler box. But Mom wanted a cat so much that I gave in, and we got Max.

Isn’t he handsome? Doesn’t he have the prettiest eyes? He was a good boy too, never getting on the kitchen cabinets, or begging for food. He wasn’t too cuddly until after Mom died and we moved. I guess that freaked him out and he wanted reassurance. From then on he was my cuddle bug.

He was about ten years old, not too old by cat standards when he passed last year. The only thing I can think of is that he tried to jump on the bed, and landed wrong, breaking his back. I’m still heartbroken that the vet wouldn’t let me in the office when they put him to sleep. I lack closure I guess. I made the mistake of telling the vet how much money I had and they did just enough to take all that money from me. Then told me if I wanted further help I’d have to take him to Charleston to the specialist. Sigh. So I had him put to sleep. I miss him.

So I wrote a prayer to honor not only Max but all the pets I’ve had.

I light a candle to honor my dead, the animals I’ve loved and lost.
The faithful dogs who have protected me and stayed at my side.
The clever cats I’ve had throughout the year, from Tie-tie to Max.
I honor you for your love and companionship.
I love and miss you, and look forward to reuniting with you when I cross the Rainbow Bridge.

Blessed Be.


That is beautiful @Amethyst! It brought tears to my eyes.


Oh so gorgeous :heart:


Thank you both, @Ostara and @tracyS! Glad you liked my post.


Weekly Witchy Challenge Entry - A Witch’s Companions

My Witchy Companions are my pet Parrot and three dogs.
All four are absolutely relaxed during my rituals and practice activities. However, I don’t actively include them except for protection spells, yet they never shy away when I perform for my practice.
I am very interested in discovering whether I have a familiar or animal spirit guide. Recently, I have had an unusually high number of interactions with crows and ravens. It’s unusual because I typically never have any outstanding interactions with them per se, due to my geographical location. However, over the last year, I have seen so many as to specifically draw my attention. Their significance regarding renewal, transformation, messages from the other side, etc., is absolutely not lost on me and applies to this stage in my life and practice quite solidly.
It may very well be in my case that Spirit guides change based on need. For that I am truly grateful.
I was taught that familiars were not real as we are, but are thought forms that some outsiders can see. That I do not have, but am completely up for one! :rofl:


Challenge Entry

I’ve always been interested in spirit animals as I have a deep love for most animals. I’d rather be around them than most people :laughing: So I’ve done a lot of quizzes, meditations, and journaling on them to figure out mine. This meditation was my favorite:

While I feel like I resonate with a few, deer :deer: are the spirit animals that speak to me the most. It was really interesting to learn about their traits as a spirit animal. I didn’t really feel like all of them were similar to mine, but more so - traits I needed to improve on or learn from. They remind me to be more compassionate with myself, trust my inner self more, and help me stay grounded.

It’s been awhile since I’ve had an actual encounter with one, but I’ve got a lot of figure around the areas I practice to help me.

And while I wish my fur babies practiced with me (reading all of the stories of those who have furry friends who do made me smile!) - they have zero interest in it. :joy: They let me do my thing without interruption and considering how much they interrupt almost anything else I do, I guess that’s a good sign :woman_shrugging: :rofl:

Lastly, I have a pet or two that I would love to honor the memory of, but I’m not quite ready for that. I will be saving the prayer for when I’m ready though :heart: :dog: :cat:


Absolutely beautiful I can’t even describe it but his eyes are piercing. I rescue homeless cats when I can and bring them to a place here in upstate New York and one was a black cat. The people said don’t be surprised if it takes a while for someone to adopt him and I asked why, they told me because he was a black cat and the stigma that goes along with black :black_cat:. Well that upset me! I went home printed out an article out on how wonderful black cats are and how magical and special and sent it over to the place I had him go for adoption. I asked if they would put it outside his room and they did. They also put it through the whole building they were so amazed at the article they called me a week later and said he got adopted. Of course whenever I bring a cat there I cried they cry I cry but I’m so glad he’s happy now and I think both of you and magic are very lucky to have each other!
Blessed Be,


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to share about their witchy companions this week- it has been a real emotional rollercoaster reading through the entries. Whether you entry was fun-filled or beautifully heartfelt, I’m sending a big e-hug your way! :people_hugging: :heart:

Wishing all the best to everyone and their lovely companions- be they here, across the veil, or on another plane. Thank you so much for sharing your and their stories this week! :pray::two_hearts:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :raven::sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- thank you to everyone who joined in! :sparkles:

This topic is reopening for any continued discussion and comments (feel free to respond to entries that were shared, chat about the challenge theme, etc!)

The Props and Presents Post for this challenge is now live in the forum and badges have been sent to all entrants! :trophy:

Props and Presents for the Witch’s Companions Challenge

Thank you once again to all those who joined the challenge! :star2: I hope you enjoy your new badge :medal_military:

This thread has been reopened for discussion- feel free to comment on the theme, ask questions or reply to entries! However, please remember that no additional badges will be given out now that the challenge has officially closed. Thank you!


@Medea I know what you mean about his eyes. They are beautiful and intense in a way you can’t quite but into words. Kind of like him although my husband has no problem finding words describing him :laughing:
That was such a good idea and I’m so glad that he found a good home. I’m sure what you printed will help others find their forever home too.

I read a poem from written from the perspective of a black that unfortunately I can’t remember a word of but the general idea is that it’s sad that you are missing out because black cats are awesome


This challenge and its discussion period have closed- but no worries! You can visit the Activities Category to find and join the current challenge :trophy: (If you’d like to respond to any posts shared here, please feel free to do so in a new discussion or via Private Message :incoming_envelope: Thank you!)