🧧 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Amulets & Talismans

That is a beautiful ritual @Jeannie1.


Your rings are beautiful @christina4. I love your rugrat pajamas. Lol!


Thanks! I usually buy my oils already made and this one smells divine! All spicy and musky and protective. It costs me less than buying the parts and making them myself, you know?

Your ritual was great, @Jeannie1! You must have charmed your own socks off! LOL!


I just started my collection of crystal dragon skulls! There’s a labradorite skull, but it’ll have to wait because it’s almost $40. :grimacing:


Challenge Entry

I have many for protection, for assistance in helping draw positive energy to me, financial success… etc., it is hard to pick just one to share. I decided on one. An enchanted talisman Smokey Quartz Crytal, but it is a bit more and different.

Drawing on the natural properties of the smoky quartz as well as the shape, I enhanced this crystal into a tool for attracting and calling spirits/entities from beyond the veil. A beacon crystal. I use it in seances, rituals, callings and to assist in my magic.

The box is an old box in excellent condition. Handcrafted, inlaid mother or pearl and wood in an intricate mosaic. This box is of Middle Eastern origin. In this instance, it is a pure paranormal/witchy treasure. I did a ritual, and use it for a quickening vessel. Other crystals and/or magickals can be placed inside this box as well.


Weekly Witchy Challenge Entry - Amulets and Talismans

I wear a talisman satchel and have identical ones placed in hidden places.


During a waxing gibbous or Full Moon perform the following:

  • Cast your circle as per your specific practice.
  • After calling on the entities/deities you wish to have help you, keep them and the protection you need firmly in mind as you light the black candle in the center of your altar.
  • Place the ingredients on a fire-proof plate or alter plate. As you add each ingredient focus intently on the purpose each ingredient is to have in the pouch. Visualize the entities/deities accepting each ingredient as the intended offering with great pleasure.
  • When all the ingredients are on the plate, lift the plate up and hold it safely above the black candle’s flame, swirl the plate three times and say, “Empower these herbs, and a shield is formed”.
  • While visualizing the charged ingredients, place them into the black pouch.
  • Lift the filled black pouch safely above the back candle, swirl it three times and say, “When I wear this bag, the shield is worn”.
  • Visualize the shield emanating from the bag and engulfing you from head to toe in a powerful egg-shaped shield. This shield maintains its awesome strength while becoming more translucent as it permeates the entire area around you. Now, it is an invisible yet extremely potent vibrating shield surrounding you day and night.
  • Thank the entities/deities and herbs for their protection.
  • Meditate on the healing and protection this bag’s shield will now provide.
  • Blow out or otherwise extinguish the candle

The bag can be recharged at each waxing gibbous or Full Moon.

*Often, depending on the season or the compatibilities of the herbs, I may use angelica instead of rosemary, etc. For example, Frankincense or the 7 Archangels resin can be used in place of Myrrh.


[quote=“Ancient_Queen, post:68, topic:38403”]
The box is an old box in excellent condition. Handcrafted, inlaid mother or pearl and wood in an intricate mosaic. This box is of Middle Eastern origin. In this instance, it is a pure paranormal/witchy treasure.
[/quote] The box is gorgeous!

[quote=“Wysteria_Norn, post:69, topic:38403”]
The bag can be recharged at each waxing gibbous or Full Moon.
[/quote] I love this! I need to make one for myself.


Why thank you very much.


Those are very beautiful rings, I have a claddagh ring myself and never thought to do this with it. I love my ring it has a pink stone in it. LOL, Rugrats are the you know what. I luv that cartoon.


My original intention was to give these mala beads to my teacher, but they decided to stick with me… tonight I consecrated them to Kali, to make them a powerful amulet against fear, and a talisman to remembering my own power and agency. And also to keep my own ego in check, she would not have it any other way. :black_heart: I’ll continue using them for my mantra japa practice, but I’ll also keep them with me when traveling, and whenever I need that extra strength and protection.

For the consecration I used my sound bowl as a mixing bowl, and mixed in its frequency too. I combined ash from a dragon’s blood and a nag champa incense stick, and charcoal from the match that lit them. I added three drops of sandalwood oil, one drop of clove, and one drop of vanilla. I dissolved them together with alcohol, and diluted with moon water. It turned out so good :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m going to leave it on my bedside table together with the drying malas before either discarding it or putting it in a bottle, whichever feels right :blush: :black_heart:


Challenge entry

a talisman for protection and abundance was today made a sacred tool by “The Easiest Way to Charge & Activate Talismans or Amulets” spell

I wasn’t sure if my other project would qualify as a talisman or amulet, but I used the same spell on it as it will be a tool I use daily. I planted a cypress many years ago when she was just 11 inches tall. She now towers over 30 feet now and offered me a branch.

There was a crooked man
Who had a crooked stick
That walked the crooked path

Please meet and welcome **“Hale-Arts Bane”**as I fight with Art every day, usually more in the morning, it has come to me needing a stick to help with normal ambulation :sweat_smile:and I figured why not make it a bit special, if to no one else but to me. Seeing as how I’m now magic :broom: why not put some of it to good use. Oh to those not fighting with Art you may know him by his full name… Arthur I. Tis :rofl: So why have a normal stick like everyone else.

A name came to mind as Hale is to assist in my health and help me to combat Art (hense Arts Bane) why not give it some help. Make it sacred, consecrate it as a tool and give it a bit of decoration…

Let me know what you think and thanks for putting up with me

Love and Light, henry


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

→ Tuesday, June 6 at 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

I am absolutely loving all of the amulets and talismans on display this week- so many talented people here, with such beautiful charms! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you so much to everyone who has jumped in to create, craft, share, and cast spells on their amulets and talismans this week. I have really enjoyed all the entries I’ve seen so far!

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :red_gift_envelope: :sparkles:


challenge entry 1
This has taken me longer to get to cause of work and health and then i realised as i worked on this project it might take me a lityle linger than expected to finish making this thing. Im all debating what to put in how yo make it. What i want it to do or for n of course cpuldnt find a nunch of mafetials i know is somewhere​:woman_shrugging::laughing:

But this is progress so far… the theme though it may not end up very red based but rather as my day of the phoenix comes apon me i thought of the idea of rebuilding a life from the ashes of another. I couldnt find my beads boxes and the one i did was not useful as they werent suited for what needed but i thought of all the old jewerly where the cords or threads made of were so old theyd prob break if wore again.

So… i started collecting all the old jewerly n other things i could use, sorted into types etc n started to figure out which ones would work for what i wanted. I was rebuilding a new jewerlly ( amulet or talisman or both ) out of old jewerlly and rebuilding for the new chapter and purpose that i needed to move on and go forward thinking of intenyions. Lol it was so hard cutying yhe cords of old jewerlly but in a way i think that was in itself a part of the process. I had to cit the cords to the past life in order to rebuild and start again which fits so much into what ive been focysing on wirh this challenge. Im far from finished. Ive jumped the gun a bit attatchinh burs ill need to take off to add beads etc lol but at least i finally got to starting point.
My initial sort oncw taken majority of the selected pieces apart

Cutting cords of old jewerlly eek

Few items thought could use pieces off

Stuff decided not to use

Hmm debating on what to use since my elastic bead thread is with missing beads

Sone more sorting and selecting

Trying to map out base of project including truing to use wire from one piece broken apart to forn circle to see what trying to do

Found if used black cord ( but not thread cord not sure what t call it) bur that could form base. thread a bit thin. N placed some beads between where bottom bit would attatch hopegully it will help it nit clump together.

Still not sure whar else to add yet but got rest in trats so can decide where ti go next.

Ok and this is as far as i have got. I wny to add something to each side bitd that have a loop and not sure about the rest yet but its definatly a start😆 its taken apoy just to get this far

So now the process far, ive stuck with the silver partly cause i go towards silver more than gold jewery so also i had morr of that to work with.

Black is for protection and blue peace and peaceful communication.

The bit of chain that is attatch by latch each side. I follow Fenrir and its to show chains are meanr to be broken, no matter how long might of felt a prisoner of own past or even when kidnapped for 24hrs that connection of breaking free of chains especially when caused by bettayal by a trusted person, thats something that i feel connects us Fenrir and me) so i included the chain but onr that can ve disconnected to remind me of that.

The charmd on the chain bit at bottom where all attatched but i found meaning undr each so was ok
The cross kinda looks a bit like could represent celtic cross, the heart, a reminder no matter how badly ppl treat me to never loose my heart. Id rather use a broken heart to help others than have no heart at all.
The flower could be to find beauty around but aldo a reminder that we are all still growing and in time beaty can come from even the darkest of pplaces.like a seed growing into a flower.
the onr with what look likes chains coming down makes me think of wind chimes. It could be a reminder to what nature has to say but also because i love music to find music , make it, listen. :blush:
the heart with wgat looks like tree. it could be both celtic or norse related in the connectedness the as above so below, tree of yadrasil. Or even just our connection to the earth.

Ok so i have a few crysrals ican add.
Id like to incorporate the rose quartz. Ive recently realised my parents will never love o accept me for am ( thats without knowing anything about pagan or witch stuff ) just me who i am and they dont believe in me, but i realised id been waiting for them to do those things so long it was holding me back because they never will.
I thought if i was going to get through and achieve my goals or dreaos i was goinh to have to do it alobe, withouy their support. then i realized thats what ive been doing all along, i just didnt realise.

So the rose quartz for self love and acceptance. I have to learn let go of needing parents love or acceptance for who i am rather than who they think i should be. And to love myself for the person i am ( im not perfect but their reasons for rejection are things i actually things i thought was good and liked) so self love and acceptance, draw that innand hold on tight. Not sure how will put the rose quartz beads in but ill figure it out.

Ive also got a few tigers eye beads which i see for courage, especially facing new chapters and allowing myself to believe in myself even if people i love cant.

Amerthyst is fav crystal n purple😆love it ill add it in there. Its calming but also attatchment to spiritual side.

Not sure of other crystals yet. But there are some red and black triangular beads and brownish swigglgly beads that i see as representing the phoenix aspect so somehow want to add them

Some other beads had ideas for but not sure yet but as i realise this has been a loooong post n lots of photos n talking bout tge process of makibg n why inclyding what i think its best i shut up now :woman_facepalming::laughing::joy: i may of got a little over excited n carried away on this project. N talkinf abouy it ( understatement of century :rofl:)


I love this. The connection between the crystal and spirit is beautiful :sparkling_heart:


I love all the meaning behind each object. So special, sorry about your experiences :sparkling_heart:. Sending love n hugs :hugs:Blessed be.


@Shadeweaver I LOVE that staff. It’s amazing. :sparkling_heart:
@CelestiaMoon I have mala beads, never used them. Wonderful how you consecrated them to Kali. Very special :sparkling_heart:


@Shadeweaver that walking stick certainly counts, I would say! It’s so pretty and you’ve obviously worked magic with it! It’s awesome!


My Challenge Entry

Hii everyone, I know I am a lot late but at least I did not forget. :laughing: So for this weekly witchy challenge, I had…nothing. :joy: :pleading_face: Yep. When I went in search of anything that would be good to use for crafting a Talisman, I realized that I am having zero, such objects or tools! :sob: Honestly speaking, I have been feeling very very embarrassed about posting my entry for this one, as I have seen everyone else’s beautiful amulets and talismans and they all are soooo witchy & gorgeous! :heart_eyes: :prayer_beads: :sparkles: Now, I shall tell you why I was feeling hesitant, because, I had nothing to go with except a piece of colored paper and creating a unique (my own) Runic Talisman with it. So I decided I would go with a special type of desire for my talisman to attract & manifest! :innocent: :green_heart: I created my own rune (that since I’m a beginner, isn’t what it actually should look like. :sweat_smile:) and drew it finally on the piece of colored paper that is light green. I chose this color because I searched on internet and mainly, green is considered as one of the very strong colors for achieving succesful manifestations! So I used it and crafted my very first rune according to the instructions given in the spells8 rune lesson.

Later, I held a ritual with a green chime candle to imbibe my runic talisman with positive energy…:candle: :sparkles:

Now my Runic Talisman is ready to use and I have kept it safe inside my wicca supplies box right now, as I had created it for a very important purpose. The purpose is that, my father has come here for about one week and we are going out to a hill station for sometime, we will leave early morning tomorrow. As much as the hill station thing is making me feel love-struck, I know it’s NOT easy to bear my father’s heavily toxic energy all the time and that with all three of them by my side there, I won’t be able to be my authentic self. If I do, they will probably look at me like I’m mentally ill, like I’m completely irrational and deluded. Which would actually be, me singing along with the trees, touching every petal and leaves, collecting pine cones, happily and wanting to sit alone amidst a canopy of dark trees…watching the clouds go by. Breathing in the nature, the love. Yes, I know I can’t do any of those…still I am grateful to the Goddess that I am getting an opportunity to get that close to her! :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:

All I can do is that I will keep this talisman close to me all the time, so that I don’t fall down that same old dark pit of feeling dead inside and still smiling for my family who never could understand. That’s okay, I guess there must be something good in here too. I know I will find it one day. :smiling_face: :heart: :revolving_hearts:

Blessed Be everyone & stay happy! :hugs: :pink_heart: :sparkling_heart:


You have it. The light is you, in you, noone can take it away. When I’m with family that dont understand. I gently touch my necklace and “see” the magic in my mind. Its all around you and in you always. Sending magik to you my lovely sister. :heart:


Awww… that’s what healthy human behavior looks like to me. None of that posturing and trying to look important and getting muscle cramps all over the body stuff… that has unhealthy and soulless written all over it. We really should reclaim our lives from those kinds of people, run wild and free in the forest with our hair flying in the wind, talking with the trees and flowers, hugging the ground, being in constant blissful conversation with Goddess the way she intended us :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: